Aligarh Muslim University School of Botany Admission 2024, Exam Pattern, Ranking In India And World, Jobs

Aligarh Muslim University
Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, India
Aligarh , Uttar Pradesh - 202002
+91-571 2100994/2702167
About Us

Aligarh Muslim University (abbreviated as AMU) is a premier central university in Aligarh, India, which was originally established by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan as the Muhammadan Anglo-Oriental College in 1875. Muhammadan Anglo-Oriental College became Aligarh Muslim University in 1920, following the Aligarh Muslim University Act. It has three off-campus centres in Malappuram (Kerala), AMU Murshidabad centre (West Bengal), and Kishanganj Centre (Bihar). The university offers more than 300 courses in traditional and modern branches of education, and is an institute of national importance, under the declared under seventh schedule of the Constitution of India at its commencement .

Title in Botany Aligarh Muslim University

# Title Researcher Guide(s)
1 Ethnobotanical studies on plants with medicinal and anti_bacterial properties Khan, Abdul Viqar Dr. Khan, Athar Ali and Anonymous, Samiullah
2 Influence of certain rhizosphere fungi on the interaction of rotylenchulus reniformis and rhizoctonia solani Prakash, Ajay Dr. Anonymous, Samiullah
3 Study of the effect of GA3, N, P, K and CA application on the performance of mustard Afroz, Shaheena Dr. Mohammad, Firoz
4 Studies on the biochemical responses of some selected perennials to coal_smoke pollution Saheed, S Dr. Ghouse, A K M
5 Induced mutations and improvement in Capsicum annuum _L_ Sharma, Neeraj Dr. Anis, Mohammad
6 Pratiman spectral studies of multiply ionized antimony atoms: sb ii_v Rana, Tazeen Dr. Khan, Rahimullak
7 Study of the effect of N, P and s application on the performance of rapeseed_mustardc Siddiqui, Manzer Hussain Dr. Mohammad, Firoz
8 Effect of thermal power plant wastewater and coal fly ash on root nodulation, growth, yield and quality of Cicer Arietinum L Ahmad, Irfan Dr. Arif, Inam
9 Studies on powdery mildews of compositae in some districts of Uttar Pradesh Husain, Saiyed Iqbal Dr. Akram, Mohd
10 Effects of some air pollutants on root nodulation and VAM colonization of roots of some leguminous crops Jahan, Kauser Dr. Wajid Khan, M
11 Standardizing embryo rescue technique in triticum system to generate new variability Ghazala, Praveen Dr. Anis, Mohammad and Shoran, Jag
12 Histopathological studies on lagenaria leucantha infected with meloidogyne incognita and pythium aphanidermatum in fly ash amended soil Yasmeen, Nikhat Dr. Siddiqui, Ziauddin A
13 Studies on certain aspects of pathogenicity of seed_borne leaf blight of wheat caused by Alternaria triticina Khan, Mohammed Imran Dr. Saxena, S K
14 Studies on the effect of soil and foliar application of nutrients on the performance of mustard Khan, Tauheed Dr. Mohammad, Firoz
15 Genetics of disease resistance against pythium dissotocum in opium poppy papaver somniferum L Saleem, Saba Shahabuddin Nee Dr. Khan, A H and Dhawan, O P
16 Impact of sulphur dioxide and fly ash on growth and productivity of rapeseed and sunflower and on alternaria blight of rapeseed Siddiqui, Shazia Dr. Ahmad, Aqil
17 Impact assessment of root_knot nematodes on air pollution stressed plants Singh, Kamal Dr. Wajid Khan, M
18 Mineral nutrition of triticale in relation to its parents Anonymous, Moinuddin Dr. Anonymous, Samiullah
19 Biochemical effects of interaction among lead, manganese and cadmium Hussain, Tahir Dr. Siddiqui, A M; Chandra, Satya V
20 Mineral nutrition of radish and turnip Noor, Akhtar Dr. Afridi, M M R K







