Aligarh Muslim University School of Botany Admission 2024, Exam Pattern, Ranking In India And World, Jobs

Aligarh Muslim University
Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, India
Aligarh , Uttar Pradesh - 202002
+91-571 2100994/2702167
About Us

Aligarh Muslim University (abbreviated as AMU) is a premier central university in Aligarh, India, which was originally established by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan as the Muhammadan Anglo-Oriental College in 1875. Muhammadan Anglo-Oriental College became Aligarh Muslim University in 1920, following the Aligarh Muslim University Act. It has three off-campus centres in Malappuram (Kerala), AMU Murshidabad centre (West Bengal), and Kishanganj Centre (Bihar). The university offers more than 300 courses in traditional and modern branches of education, and is an institute of national importance, under the declared under seventh schedule of the Constitution of India at its commencement .

Title in Botany Aligarh Muslim University

# Title Researcher Guide(s)
1 Preservation of botanical specimens retaining the natural colour pigments Verma, Praveen Kumar Dr. Abduraheem, K
2 In vitro studies on some plants of economic importance Shahzad, Anwar Dr. Siddiqui, Saeed A
3 Physiomorphological studies on N and P nutrition of linseed Siddiqui, Rafiullah Dr. Mohammad, Firoz
4 Purification and properties of a virus causing mosaic disease on radish aphanus sativus L_ Tripathi, Rajesh Dr. Naqvi, Qamar A
5 Tissue culture studies on propagation of two multipurpose tree species _ pterocarpus marsupium Roxb and Melia azedarach L Husain, Mohd Kashif Dr. Anis, Mohammad
6 Studies on the role of selected household detergents in the eutrophication of fresh water ecosystem Ansari, Abid Ali Dr. Khan, Fareed Ahmad
7 Studies on induced mutations in mungbean Azad, Shamim Ahmed Dr. Siddiqui, Bahar A
8 Studies on morphogenetic response and organogenesis of some economic plants Khan, Hina Dr. Anis, Mohammad
9 Morphophysiological response of mustard to thiamine and NP application Sajjad, Azhar Dr. Anonymous, Samiullah
10 Response of pisum sativum l To exogenously applied plant growth regulators Hussain, Arshad Dr. Ahmad, Aqil
11 Identification and characterization of a virus isolate from coccinia grandis L Voigt Mansoor, Danish Dr. Naqvi, Qamar A
12 Growth performance of certain pulse crops in response to coal smoke pollution Perveen, Azra Dr. Ghouse, A K M
13 Identification of a virus causing mosaic disease on launaea _launaea aspleniifotia hook F_ Singh, Devendra Dr. Naqvi, Qamar A
14 Studies on the interaction between rhizoctonia solani, pythium aphanidermatum mid root_knot nematode meloidogyne Incognita on cucurbits Ajaz, Shamim Dr. Azam, M Farooq
15 Studies on the effect of wastewater on physiomorphological response of mustard and linseed Akhtar, Afroza Dr. Inam, Arif
16 The response of vigna radiata and brassica juncea to 28_homobrassinolide and kinetin Fariduddin, Qazi Dr. Ahmad, Aqil
17 Studies on interaction of root_knot nematodes and root_infecting fungi on air pollution stressed leguminous crops Negao, Syed Abbas Hosseini Dr. Wajid Khan, M
18 Studies on interaction of air pollutants and seed gall nematode, anguina tritici on wheat Kausar, Shamee Dr. Khan, Abrar Ahmad
19 Induction of mutations in Cicer arietinum I By chemical mutagens Jabeen, Farah Dr. Ansari, M Y K
20 Effect of wastewater on black gram Vigna mungo L hepper Javid, Sheikh Dr. Inam, Arif







