Aligarh Muslim University School of Botany Admission 2024, Exam Pattern, Ranking In India And World, Jobs

Aligarh Muslim University
Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, India
Aligarh , Uttar Pradesh - 202002
+91-571 2100994/2702167
About Us

Aligarh Muslim University (abbreviated as AMU) is a premier central university in Aligarh, India, which was originally established by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan as the Muhammadan Anglo-Oriental College in 1875. Muhammadan Anglo-Oriental College became Aligarh Muslim University in 1920, following the Aligarh Muslim University Act. It has three off-campus centres in Malappuram (Kerala), AMU Murshidabad centre (West Bengal), and Kishanganj Centre (Bihar). The university offers more than 300 courses in traditional and modern branches of education, and is an institute of national importance, under the declared under seventh schedule of the Constitution of India at its commencement .

Title in Botany Aligarh Muslim University

# Title Researcher Guide(s)
1 In vitro studies on growth and morphogenesis of vitex negundo l and ruta graveolens l Ahmad, Naseem Dr. Mohammad Anis
2 Studies on the efficacy of a Mycorrhiza and Rhizobacteria against Meloidogyne incognita Infected Vigna radiata Abbasi Dr. Hisamuddin
3 Studies on reproduction and hybridization of ocimum species with a view to improving their quality Pushpangadan, P. Dr. Khan, Reayat
4 Response of Vigna Radiata and Brassica Juncea to 28 Homobrassinolide and Kinetin Friduddin, Qazi Dr. Aqil Ahmad
5 Studies on interaction of root knot nematode and rhizosphere fungi in tomato Arya, Rekha Dr. S. K.Saxena
6 Physiological significance of Ethrel 2 Chloroethyl Phosphonic acid and Nitrogen in relation to growth and metabolism of Mustard under irrigated and non irrigated conditions Ramzan Mir, Mohamad Dr. Nafees Ahmad Khan
7 Studies on ocimumsanctum L infected with root knot nematode meloidogyne incognita kofoid and white chitwood Parveen, Rasheeda Dr. hisamuddin
8 In Vitro Morphogenesis and Assessment of Genetic Diversity in Pterocarpus marsupium Roxb using Molecular Markers Ahmad, Anees Dr. Mohammad Anis
9 Studies on Trachyspermum ammi L Infected with the Root knot Nematode Meloidogyne incognita Danish, Mohammad Dr. Hisamuddin
10 Studies on biochemical responses of some selected perennials to coal smoke pollution Saheed S. Dr. A. K. M.Ghose
11 Effect of phosphorus on the nutrition growth and malting quality of barley hordeum vulgare L Samiullah Dr. M. M. R. K.Afridi,
12 Anatomy of living and ancient seed plants plant remains from Atranjikhera C 2000 to 200 BC Saraswat, K.S. Dr. K.A. Chowdhury,
13 Effect of chromium and nickel on pathogenic potential and management of rotylenchulus reniformis and fusarium solani on chickpea cicer arietinum L Shaikul Ashraf, Mohd Dr. Tabreiz Ahmad Khan
14 Studies on weed biology of agroecosystem in relation to environmental pollution Saquib, Mohammad Dr. Ziauddin Ahmad
15 Biotechnological studies on morphogenesis short term conservation and analysis of 2 hydroxy 4 methoxybezaldehyde 2H4MB in decalepis arayalpthra J Joseph V chandras Venter and D salicifolia Bedd Ex Hook f Venter Ahmad, Zishan Dr. Anwar Shahzad
16 Studies on eclipta Alba infected with infected with root knot nematode Meloidogyne Incognita Niyaz, Tabbasum Dr. Hisamuddin
17 Effect of GA3 SA and Tria Application on the performance of Peppermint grown under salinity stress Khanam, Daraksha Dr. Firoz Mohammad
18 Real Time monitoring of flux of nitrate and sulphate in living cells by in house designed FRET based genetically encoded nanosensors Fatima, Urooj Dr. Altaf Ahmad
19 Studies on the effect of organic soil amendments on plant parasitic nematodes Siddiqui, Mansoor A. Dr. M.Mashkoor Alam,
20 Studies on land management practice on plant nematodes Singh, Shishu Pal Dr. Abrar Mustafa Khan,







