Aligarh Muslim University School of Botany Admission 2024, Exam Pattern, Ranking In India And World, Jobs

Aligarh Muslim University
Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, India
Aligarh , Uttar Pradesh - 202002
+91-571 2100994/2702167
About Us

Aligarh Muslim University (abbreviated as AMU) is a premier central university in Aligarh, India, which was originally established by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan as the Muhammadan Anglo-Oriental College in 1875. Muhammadan Anglo-Oriental College became Aligarh Muslim University in 1920, following the Aligarh Muslim University Act. It has three off-campus centres in Malappuram (Kerala), AMU Murshidabad centre (West Bengal), and Kishanganj Centre (Bihar). The university offers more than 300 courses in traditional and modern branches of education, and is an institute of national importance, under the declared under seventh schedule of the Constitution of India at its commencement .

Title in Botany Aligarh Muslim University

# Title Researcher Guide(s)
1 Mutation studies with early generation selection for polygenic variability in chickpea _Cicer arietinum l_ Parveen, Kouser Dr. Khan, Samiullah
2 Studies on the induction of genetic variability and cytogenetic effects of physical and chemical mutagens in Trigonella foenum graecum L Parveen, Sahba Dr. Anis, Mohammad
3 Identification and characterization of a virus isolated from bottle gourd, Lagenaria siceraria Jabeen, Nuzhat Dr. Naqvi, Qamar A
4 In vitro studies on growth and morphogenesis of vitex negundo l. And ruta graveolens l. Khan, Islam Dr. Aziz, Tariq
5 Growth and metabolism of mustard _Brassica juncea_ following defoliation and nitrogen treatment Lone, Pervez Maqbool Dr. Khan, Nafees A
6 Studies on radial growth of some commercially important plants Bhat, Saima Dr. Siddiqui, M B
7 Studies on the effects of particulate air pollutants application on potato _Solanum tuberosum L_ Raghav, Deepali Dr. Khan, Abrar A
8 Population biology and dynamics of phytophthora infestans causing late blight of potato Atheaya, Ela Dr. Akram, M and Singh, Bir Pal
9 Studies on the effect of thermal power plant wastewater and coal fly ash on Vigna radiata _L_ Wilczek Saeed, Shahla Dr. Inam, Arif
10 Biocontrol of root_knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita on tomato with AM fungi and Pseudomonas fluorescens Shafi, Asmat Dr. Mahmood, Irshad
11 Morphophysiological response of black cumin _Nigella sativa L_ to nitrogen, gibberellic acid and kinetin application Shah, Shoukat Hussain Dr. Anonymous, Samiullah
12 Mineral nutritional studies on some new cultivars of Triticale Sheikh, Fayaz Ahmad Dr. Inam, Arif
13 Studies on physical and chemical mutagenesis in Ammi majus L Tabassum, Sheeba Dr. Ansari, M Y K
14 Impact of particulate air pollutants on Brassica juncea L and Linum usitatissimum L Upadhyay, Era Dr. Siddiqui, Ziauddin A
15 Studies on pratylenchus coffeae _Zimmermann, 1898_ filipjev and stekhoven, 1941 and taxonomy of certain tylenchids Rashid, Abdul Dr. Khan, Abrar M
16 Studies on pollination, hybridization and induction of mutation in solanum melongena L Siddiqui, Bahar Ahmad Dr. Khan, Reayat
17 Physiological and biochemical aspects of linseed rust resistance in relation to photoperiods Shukla, Deo Shanker Dr. Afridi, M M R K and Sirohi, G S
18 Studies of the caryopsis of some of the recently evolved varieties of triticum aestivum with special reference to nutritional constituents Mehdi, Vimal Dr. Austin, Anselm and Khan, Reayat
19 Studies on growth activities of some tropical trees Mahmood, Atoof Dr. lshrat Husain Khan, M
20 A review of the Indian cheiloneurini _hymenoptera: encyrtidae_, with a revision of Cheiloneurus westwood Anis, Shoeba Binte Dr. Hayat, M







