Aligarh Muslim University School of Botany Admission 2024, Exam Pattern, Ranking In India And World, Jobs

Aligarh Muslim University
Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, India
Aligarh , Uttar Pradesh - 202002
+91-571 2100994/2702167
About Us

Aligarh Muslim University (abbreviated as AMU) is a premier central university in Aligarh, India, which was originally established by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan as the Muhammadan Anglo-Oriental College in 1875. Muhammadan Anglo-Oriental College became Aligarh Muslim University in 1920, following the Aligarh Muslim University Act. It has three off-campus centres in Malappuram (Kerala), AMU Murshidabad centre (West Bengal), and Kishanganj Centre (Bihar). The university offers more than 300 courses in traditional and modern branches of education, and is an institute of national importance, under the declared under seventh schedule of the Constitution of India at its commencement .

Title in Botany Aligarh Muslim University

# Title Researcher Guide(s)
1 Studies on leaf blight disease of Citronella java _cymbopogon winterianus Jowitt_ and its control Alam, Mansoor Dr. Khan, Abrar M and Husain, Akhtar
2 Studies on the mineral nutrition of some Indian medicinal plants Anonymous, Wasiuddin Dr. Afridi, M M R K
3 Mineral nutrition of mustard Aslam Parvaiz, M Dr. Afridi, M M R K
4 Morphology and anatomy of seeds of some members of family apocynaceae Khan, Peerzada Saeed Husain Dr. Farooq, Mohammad and Singh, R P
5 Control of plant _ parasitic nematodes Mashkoor Alam, M Dr. Mahmood, Khalid
6 Studies on reproduction and hybridization in some species of Solanum Siddiqui, Naseer Haider Dr. Khan, Reayat
7 Studies on the population dynamics of some common weeds under the stress of environmental pollution Amani, Anwar Zaheer Dr. Ghouse, A K M
8 The embryology of some solanaceae Khan, Faiq Ahmad Dr. Siddiqui, Saeed A
9 Mineral nutrient studies of lemongrass Cymbopogon flexuosus Varshney, Ashok K Dr. Anonymous, Samiullah
10 Influence of triacontanol, nitrogen and phosphorus on the growth, yield and quality of ginger _Zingiber officinale rocs_ and turmeric _Curcuma longa L_ Singh, Minu Dr. Khan, M Masroor A
11 Effect of city wastewater on mustard Brassica juncea L Czern and Coss Tabassum, Dilshada Dr. Inam, Arif
12 Investigations on host resistance, physiologic specialization and loss assessment in Puccinia Sorghi schw Sharma, Ramesh Chandra Dr. Khan, Abrar M and Payak, M M
13 Studies on the effect of city wastewater on physio morphological response of wheat Akhtar, Neelima Dr. Inam, Arif
14 Identification and characterization of a virus causing mosaic mottling and distortion of amaranthus Jahan, Tabassum Dr. Naqvi, Qamar A
15 Studies on induced mutations in chickpea Cicer arietinum L Bhat, Mehraj Ud Din Dr. Siddiqui, Bahar A
16 Morphogenetic studies in tissue and organ culture of Helianthus annuus L grown In vitro Kumar, Virendra Dr. Anonymous, Samiullah
17 Studies on physico_chemical interactions of pesticides, organics, and inorganics on soils, clays and other adsorbents Singh, Rishi Pal Dr. Rathore, H S
18 Influence of triacontanol and macronutrient elements on the growth, yield and alkaloid content of withania somnifera dunal L and Datura Innoxia Mill Nasir, Shafia Dr. Khan, Masroor A
19 Biocontrol of wilt disease complex of pigeon pea using plant growth promoting rhizobacteria Shakeel, Uzma Dr. Siddiqui, Zaki A
20 Biochemical responses of some plantation crops to ambient air pollution Lone, Farooq Ahmad Dr. Ghouse, A K M







