Punjab University School of Education Admission 2024, Admission Online Process, Jobs, College life

Punjab University
Chandigarh, Chandigarh, India
Sector 14, Chandigarh, 160014
1800 180 2065
About Us

One of the oldest Universities in India, the Panjab University (PU) initiated at Lahore in 1882, has a long tradition of pursuing excellence in teaching and research in science and technology, humanities, social sciences, performing arts and sports. The University supports excellence and innovation in academic programmes, promotes excellence in research, scholarship and teaching. The University is committed to attract and support the best students and faculty, who excel at teaching and research. In independent India, Panjab University with its Campus at Chandigarh and nearly two hundred colleges in Punjab state and Chandigarh U.T., has served various societal needs with distinction. The glorious traditions of the University established during the period of more than 133 years of its long service to the nation since its inception are a source of inspiration for the present generation of faculty members and students. By virtue of its history, experience, achievements and philosophy, the Panjab University has a national character and it enjoys an international stature drawing both faculty and students from all over the country and different parts of the globe. Its faculty includes some of the most distinguished scientists and academicians. It continues to attract celebrated scholars at the campus. Over the years, the reputation of the Panjab University has grown to emerge as an institution at the pinnacle in innovative teaching, research and community outreach.

Title in Education Punjab University

# Title Researcher Guide(s)
1 Evaluation of programmed learning in Chemistry in relation to taxonomy of educational objectives intelligence and personality traits at the higher secondary level Sodhi, Gurdip Singh Dr. Joshi, J N
2 Socio psychological and educational factors of differential learning rate in modern mathematics at the senior secondary stage Setia, Seema Dr. Gakhar, S C
3 University education in Thailand its role perception and role expectation a study in role theory Bunturngsook, Sawasdi Dr. Sain, B K
4 Impact of feedback on modifying teacher behaviour a micro teaching approach Kanwal, Neer Dr. Srivastava, Saroj
5 Success in teaching in relation to self concept intelligence experience and academic achievement of teachers Sharma, Mohan Lal Dr. Safaya, Ragunath
6 Teachers parents and counsellors approaches towards the personal vocational and educational problems of adolescents Lata, Prem Dr. Mathur, S S
7 Emerging value pattern of teachers in a socio cultural environment of the schools in the present era Kulshrestha, Satyendra Prakash Dr. Mathur, S S
8 Comparison of Kinetic Family Drawings K F D in relation to creativity emotional indications and self concept of gifted and average elementary school children Sundarasmita, Varunee Dr. Sethi, Asha
9 A comparison of feedbacks through flanders interaction analysis category system analysis of classroom transactions and videotape in the modification of technical teacher behaviour in microteaching sessions Rajamony, N Dr. Joshi, J N
10 A study of personality traits achievement motivation interests intelligence and academic achievement of athletes and non athletes of prince of Songkhla university Thailand Ouckathi, Prasert Dr. Sharma, Harish Chandra
11 Educational Philosophy of J Krishnamurti and its implications for modern system of Indian education Tewari, Urmila Dr. Mathur, S S
12 A comparative study of empowerment of rural women in panchayati raj system in the states of Haryana and Himachal Pradesh Bhambu, Suman Dr. Gakhar, Sudesh
13 Vocational aspirations in relation to creativity personality achievement and socio economic status of high school students Toong, Surinder Dr. Gakhar, S
14 Classroom verbal behaviour of teacher trainees in Ethiopia in relation to their intelligence self concept and attitude towards teaching Mekuria, Tassew Zewdie Dr. Gupta, Asha
15 Problems of primary education as perceived by parents of primary school children in Kerman state of Iran Farajollahi, Mehran Dr. Sharma, I P
16 Comparative study of teaching effectiveness of navodaya and traditional school teachers in relation to intellective non intellective and institutional variables Kaur, Naginder Dr. Gakhar, S C
17 Wastage in teacher education in secondary schools of Nepal as related to intelligence personality vocational aspirations and attitude towards teaching of drop outs from profession Mathema, Sundar Shyam Bhagat Dr. Sethi, Asha
18 Effectiveness of computer based mastery learning in Chemistry at high school level in relation to perseverance and approaches to learning Vashisht, Ruby Dr. Ahuja, Mahinder
19 Computer application in teaching physics and its effect on general and scientific creativity in relation to intelligence S E S and attitude towards media Nasiri, Sayed Hassan Mortazavi Dr. Bhushan, Anand
20 Comparative study of creative talent among intellectually gifted and average children in relation to selected socio psychological variables Sangha, Surinder Singh Dr. Kaile, Harnek S







