Punjab University School of Education Admission 2024, Admission Online Process, Jobs, College life

Punjab University
Chandigarh, Chandigarh, India
Sector 14, Chandigarh, 160014
1800 180 2065
About Us

One of the oldest Universities in India, the Panjab University (PU) initiated at Lahore in 1882, has a long tradition of pursuing excellence in teaching and research in science and technology, humanities, social sciences, performing arts and sports. The University supports excellence and innovation in academic programmes, promotes excellence in research, scholarship and teaching. The University is committed to attract and support the best students and faculty, who excel at teaching and research. In independent India, Panjab University with its Campus at Chandigarh and nearly two hundred colleges in Punjab state and Chandigarh U.T., has served various societal needs with distinction. The glorious traditions of the University established during the period of more than 133 years of its long service to the nation since its inception are a source of inspiration for the present generation of faculty members and students. By virtue of its history, experience, achievements and philosophy, the Panjab University has a national character and it enjoys an international stature drawing both faculty and students from all over the country and different parts of the globe. Its faculty includes some of the most distinguished scientists and academicians. It continues to attract celebrated scholars at the campus. Over the years, the reputation of the Panjab University has grown to emerge as an institution at the pinnacle in innovative teaching, research and community outreach.

Title in Education Punjab University

# Title Researcher Guide(s)
1 Effect of individualised single feedback correctives in mastery learning of life skills in relation to learning approaches Sharma, Meena Dr. Bhushan, Anand
2 Effectiveness of multimedia presentations and computer assisted instruction in acquisition of biological concepts in relation to cognitive style Jindal, Vandna Dr. Dutt, Sunil
3 Teacher burnout in relation to organizational climate and leadership behaviour of the high school principals as perceived by teachers Singh, Avtar Dr. Gupta, Asha
4 Satisfaction and dissatisfaction of tenth grade students with school in relation to their socio economic status and intelligence Tyagi, Rachna Dr. Sharma, I P
5 Construction and standardization of non verbal intelligence test for students of 6th to 8th classes in Haryana Chaudhri, Man Mohan Singh Dr. Taneja, V B
6 Personality differentials of adolescent girls across sociometric status Malik, Suman Dr. Sharma, Harish
7 Learning styles and locus of control of gifted and average students in different academic subjects Mahajan, Navita Dr. Sethi, Asha
8 University teachers attitude towards information and communication technology use in relation to computer competency and anxiety Far, Ziba Nikkhah Dr. Mehra, Vandana
9 Student morale as a correlate of educational environment in the school Sharma, Rakesh Dr. Saini, B K
10 Effectiveness of adult education programme in Nepal a proposed model for rural areas Bhomi, Arbinda Lal Dr. Sharma, Harish
11 Leadership styles of Principals in relation to organisational role stress emotional intelligence and gender Kumari, Umesh Dr. Sharma, Tripta
12 Effect of experiential learning on life skills and pro environmental behaviour of secondary school students in relation to psychological hardiness Punam, Punam Dr. Bajwa, Sukhwant
13 Study of organizational climate in relation to the leadership behaviour and self concept of principals in the primary and secondary schools of Kerman city Iran Azari, Homayoun Dr. Sharma, Harish
14 Study of the effects of teaching through various information processing models on learning of concepts in science in relation to self concept cognitive style and achievement motivation Gupta, Sushma Dr. Khera, Vineet
15 Development of higher education in Manipur in the post independence ERA upto 2000 Singh, Chingtham Tomba Dr. Markanda, Savita
16 Critical study of the integral yoga of Sri Aurobindo and its educational implications Suri, Ashok Kumar Dr. Gupta, L I
17 Effect of certain home room activities on the creative behaviour of higher secondary school students Kuha, Ariya Dr. Sethi, Asha Mohan
18 Efficacy of grammar based and communication based methods in developing writing skills among high school students in relation to cognitive style and intelligence Choudhary, Renuka Dr. Nandita, Nandita
19 Comparative study of family environment achievement motivation and self esteem of students of vocational and academic streams Neeraj, Neeraj Dr. Gupta, Asha
20 Effect of parental interaction and educational intervention for optimizing the integrated development of pre school children Seth, Poonam Dr. Bhushan, Anand







