Punjab University School of Education Admission 2024, Admission Online Process, Jobs, College life

Punjab University
Chandigarh, Chandigarh, India
Sector 14, Chandigarh, 160014
1800 180 2065
About Us

One of the oldest Universities in India, the Panjab University (PU) initiated at Lahore in 1882, has a long tradition of pursuing excellence in teaching and research in science and technology, humanities, social sciences, performing arts and sports. The University supports excellence and innovation in academic programmes, promotes excellence in research, scholarship and teaching. The University is committed to attract and support the best students and faculty, who excel at teaching and research. In independent India, Panjab University with its Campus at Chandigarh and nearly two hundred colleges in Punjab state and Chandigarh U.T., has served various societal needs with distinction. The glorious traditions of the University established during the period of more than 133 years of its long service to the nation since its inception are a source of inspiration for the present generation of faculty members and students. By virtue of its history, experience, achievements and philosophy, the Panjab University has a national character and it enjoys an international stature drawing both faculty and students from all over the country and different parts of the globe. Its faculty includes some of the most distinguished scientists and academicians. It continues to attract celebrated scholars at the campus. Over the years, the reputation of the Panjab University has grown to emerge as an institution at the pinnacle in innovative teaching, research and community outreach.

Title in Education Punjab University

# Title Researcher Guide(s)
1 Effect of different portage training intervention models on motor development of pre school mentally retarded children Dutta, Rajni Dr. Blunden, Roger
2 Study of Social intelligence achievement motivation study habits and self concept of students of arts and Science stream Bains, Gurdarshan Dr. Gakhar, S C
3 An analytical study of childrens free expression drawings with a view to predict their vocational interests Mathur, Chandra Prakash G Dr. Mathur, S S
4 Styles of learning locus of control and achievement motivation of high average and low achieving college students at different levels of intelligence Samuel, Okafor O M Dr. Kohli, T K
5 Evaluation of guidance services in high higher secondary schools of Punjab and Chandigarh Kaur, Sawarnjit Dr. Kohli, Tehal
6 A comparative study of the self concept of teachers of different categories and the relationship of their self concept with professional adjustment Khatri, Prem Prakash Dr. Taneja, V R
7 N achievement as related to social class of Panjab university students in different faculties Kaur, Tejinder Dr. Joshi, J N
8 Study of self efficacy self esteem thinking and decision making styles of prospective teachers in relation to their gender and academic achievement Singh, Rajinder Dr. Gera, Manju
9 A sociometric study of the patterns of social interaction among principals teachers and students in higher secondary schools of Himachal Pradesh Gautama, Padam Nabh Dr. Mathur, S S
10 Critical study of the debates and decisions on education in the Parliament of republic of India Rana, Sher Singh Dr. Taneja, V R
11 A study of teacher effectiveness among scheduled caste and non scheduled caste teachers in relation to their teaching aptitude and self concept Kumar, Khushvinder Dr. Kaile, Harnek S
12 A comparative study of emotional and social intelligence educational aspirations mental health and personality characteristics of general and scheduled caste students Kaur, Paramjeet Dr. Gakhar, S C
13 Comparative study of the self concepts of disciplined and indisciplined students Bhalla, S K Dr. Deo, Pratibha
14 Job satisfaction of home science teachers its relationship with personal professional and organizational characteristics kaur, Balvinder Dr. Gakhar, Sudesh
15 Education as a concomitant factor in the economic development of Bangladesh a case study Roy, Mukta Rani Dr. Mathur, S S
16 A study of the structure of political attitudes of school teachers using semantic differential analysis and attitude scaling methods Stoney, Priya Dr. Wadhwa, B S
17 Adult education training and productivity a study of workers in Orissa Rath, Niranjan Prasad Dr. Pangotra, N N
18 The needed competency to be developed in the teacher training programme for the primary school English teachers in Thailand under the new curriculum Suwannachairop, Ubon Dr. Saini, B K
19 The relationship of proportionality propositional logic and combinatorial analysis to high school science achievement Prabha, Chander Dr. Gakhar, Sudhesh
20 The effectiveness of microteaching for the development of skills specific to the teaching of modern Mathematics Pratap, Devinder Dr. Joshi, J N







