Calcutta University School of Science Admission 2024, Ranking, Question Papers, Videos

Calcutta University
Kolkata, West Bengal, India
College Square, Kolkata, West Bengal
033-22413288, 25747474, 22410071, 24037237, 033- 22413222
About Us

The Court of Directors of the East India Company sent a despatch in July, 1854 to the Governor-General of India in Council, suggesting the establishment of the Universities of Calcutta, Madras and Bombay.

In pursuance of that despatch, the University of Calcutta was founded on JANUARY 24, 1857.

The University adopted in the first instance, the pattern of the University of London and gradually introduced modifications in its constitution.

Title in Science Calcutta University

# Title Researcher Guide(s)
1 Solvent interesterification reaction of fats Sen, Gour Dr. Bhattacharyya, D K
2 Homogeneous space times and electro magnetic fields in general relativity Chakraborty, Shib Kumar Dr. Raychaudhuri, A K
3 Some problems on the theory of special functions Bandyopadhyay, Tulsidas Dr. Chatterjea, S K
4 Studies on the inheritance of protein content and some quantitative characters in rice oryza sativa L Biswas, Dilip Kumar
5 DNA damage and mutation by x rays ultraviolet light and N methyl N nitro N nitrosoguanidine in V79 Chinese hamster cells Bhattacharyya, Nitai Pada Dr. Bhattacharjee, S B
6 Studies on organic and biochemical reactions with inorganic reagents Ganguly, Manas Kumar Dr. Chakrabarty, D P
7 Crystal and molecular structures of biologically active molecules Gangopadhyay, Tapati Dr. Saha, N N
8 Studies on nitrogen heterocycles and novel reductions Dhara, Rabindra Nath Dr. Biswas, K M
9 Studies on secondary ion emission from ion bombarded solid surfaces by a quadrupole mass spectrometer Chakraborti, Purushottam Dr. Dey, S D
10 Physico chemical studies on oscillatory reactions Pal, Sekhar Chandra Dr. Banerjee, R S
11 Certain aspects of morphology anatomy and palynology of some mangroves and their associates of Sundarbans West Bengal Das, Sauren Dr. Ghose, Monoranjan
12 Mechanistic studies on reactions of labile metal complexes Gangopadhyay, Soma Dr. Banerjea, D
13 Isolation and characterization of trypsin inhibitor gene from cowpea vigna unguiculata for its ultimate use in controlling insect attack on plants Bandyopadhyay, Durba Dr. Sen, S K
14 Studies on toxins of enteric campylobacters with particular reference to the cytolethal distending toxin Bag, Prasanta Kumar Dr. Nair, G Balakrish
15 Studies on Indian medicinal plants Sudhir Kumar, Srimany Dr. Chatterjee, Asima
16 Some contributions to the geometry of Riemannian manifolds Saha, Swapan Kumar Dr. Chaki, M C
17 Studies on genetic variabilities of the recombinants of mustard Brassica juncea Czern and Cross raised through in vivo and in vitro techniques Ray, Amitabha Dr. Saha, P K
18 A comparative study of specific anthropometric and physiological profiles of boys and girls 8 14 years of eastern and North region of India Debray, Parthasarathi Dr. Dey, Swapan Kr
19 Role of small scale industries in the economic development of West Bengal and the effect of new liberalisation policy and the growth of small scale industries in West Bengal Hajra, Jayanta Dr. Banerjee, Hiron Kumar
20 Health of urban disabled a bio social study in Calcutta and suburbs Majumdar, Arupendra Dr. Roy, Subrata K







