Calcutta University School of Science Admission 2024, Ranking, Question Papers, Videos

Calcutta University
Kolkata, West Bengal, India
College Square, Kolkata, West Bengal
033-22413288, 25747474, 22410071, 24037237, 033- 22413222
About Us

The Court of Directors of the East India Company sent a despatch in July, 1854 to the Governor-General of India in Council, suggesting the establishment of the Universities of Calcutta, Madras and Bombay.

In pursuance of that despatch, the University of Calcutta was founded on JANUARY 24, 1857.

The University adopted in the first instance, the pattern of the University of London and gradually introduced modifications in its constitution.

Title in Science Calcutta University

# Title Researcher Guide(s)
1 Studies on in vitro culture of nigella sativa LINN and nigella damascena cultivar Miss Jeckyll Chattopadhyay, Aditi Dr. Mukherjee, B B
2 Synthesis of Ti and Ri plasmid derived vector for transfer of foreign genes to plants Basu, Debabrata Dr. Sen, S K
3 Inelastic interactions of protons with emulsion nuclei at high energies Saha, Amar Chandra Dr. Bandyopadhyay, B K
4 Studies on alpha 2 macroglobulin like protease inhibitor from marine turtle egg white Mandal, Dipak Kumar Dr. Sinha, N K
5 Nuclear structure studies in the odd proton transitional nuclei in A 150 region Guchhait, Ramkumar Dr. Sen, S
6 Cell biological aspects of sporulation in saccharomyces cerevisiae calendar of meiotic developmental events relevant to genetic crossingover Das, Sampa Dr. Sen, S K
7 Ultrastructural study of collagen of different origin Mitra, Hara Prasad Dr. Saha, N N
8 Symmetries of hadrons and their dynamics Roy, Anuradha Dr. Gautam, V P
9 Some studies on the spinning quality of jute fibres Lahiri, Amitabha Dr. Mukhopadhyay, Utphulla
10 Studies on certain aspects of heat stress and its homeostasis on albino Rats Maitra, Sarbari Dr. Roy, Bijon
11 Studies on proteases from the plant latex comparative studies on calotropins DI and DII of calotropis gigantea latex Gupta, Amitabha Sen Dr. Sinha, N K
12 Studies on oxygen and nitrogen heterocycles Mazumder, Gargi Dr. Patra, Amarendra
13 Studies on immunological aspects of amoebiasis with special reference to its antigenic components Pal, Sukumar Dr. Pal, S C
14 Synthetic investigations in search for newer trypanocides Das, Michael Dr. Chakravorti, S S
15 Chemical examination of constituents of alangium lamarckii Sinha, Radhika Ranjan Dr. Pakrashi, S C
16 Studies of isobaric analogue states and proton optical model potential from low energy p n reactions Viyogi, Yogendra Pathak Dr. Ganguly, N K
17 Studies of abscisic acid during development and ageing of rice seeds Oriya Sativa L Barua, Karabi Dr. Ghosh, Bharati
18 Studies on the Chemistry of naturally occurring polycyclic compounds Maiti, Rabindranath Dr. Majumder, P L
19 Effects of cerebellar lesion on female reproductive organs in Rats Manna, Mukul Kanti Dr. Maiti, A K
20 Studies on factors responsible for zinc availability in presence of phosphates Mukhopadhyay, Dipti Dr. Mukherjee, S K







