Visva Bharati School of Philosophy Admission 2024, Exam Pattern, Total Students Placed, Videos

Visva Bharati
Santiniketan, West Bengal, India
Santiniketan West Bengal, India Pin 731235
About Us

A study of the evolution of Visva-Bharati during the lifetime of its founder, Rabindranath Tagore, offers an insight into what this institution was intended to achieve. Rabindranath founded a school for children at Santiniketan and it was around this nucleus that the structure of an unconventional university developed through careful planning.

In 1863, on a seven-acre plot at the site of the present institution, Debendranath Tagore, the poet's father, had built a small retreat for meditation, and in 1888 he dedicated, the land and buildings, towards establishment of a Brahmavidyalaya and a library. Rabindranath's school Brahmacharyasrama which started functioning formally from December 22, 1901 with no more than five students on the roll, was, in part, a fulfilment of the wishes of his father who was a considerable figure of his time in the field of educational reforms. From 1925 this school came to be known as Patha-Bhavana.

The school was a conscious repudiation of the system introduced in India by the British rulers and Rabindranath initially sought to realize the intrinsic values of the ancient education in India. The school and its curriculum, therefore, signified a departure from the way the rest of the country viewed education and teaching. Simplicity was a cardinal principle. Classes were held in open air in the shade of trees where man and nature entered into an immediate harmonious relationship. Teachers and students shared the single integral socio-cultural life. The curriculum had music, painting, dramatic performances and other performative practices. Beyond the accepted limits of intellectual and academic pursuits, opportunities were created for invigorating and sustaining the manifold faculties of the human personality.

Title in Philosophy Visva Bharati

# Title Researcher Guide(s)
1 National Rural Employment Gurantee Scheme A Critical Study in Murshidabad District Of West Bengal Mirdhya, Saharaj Amed Dr. M. Alankara Masillamani
2 A Study of Santali Folk Songs Murmu, Manasaram Dr. Manjhi, Dhaneshwar
3 and#2478;and#2472;and#2497;and#2488;and#2509;and#2478;and#2499;and#2468;and#2495; and#2451; and#2479;and#2494;and#2460;and#2509;and#2462;and#2476;and#2482;and#2509;and#2453;and#2509;and#2479;and#2488;and#2509;and#2478;and#2499;and#2468;and#2495;and#2480; Jana Tarak Dr. Sanjay Kumar Mondal
4 SocioEconomic Management in Rigvedic Period A Socialistic Analysis Sachindra Shlesha Dr. Harekrushna Mishra
5 Features of legal proceedings in the treatises of Manu and Yajnavalkya an analytical study Pal Biswajit Dr. Sanjoy Kumar Pal
6 Camatkaracandrika A Text Critical Editing and Analysis Mondal Biswajit Dr. Mridula Roy
7 Karaka and Vibhakti in Katantra and SamksiptasaraVyakaraand#7751;a A comparative Study Rakshit Milan Dr. Arun Kumar Mondal
8 Ecological Awareness of Apaand#7717; in Vedic Literature Chowdhury Harihar Dr. Niranjan Jena
9 Female Characters in Bhasas Drama A Psychological Study Parvin Husna Dr. Mridula Roy
10 Poetology of Dandin in Dasakumarcaritam Goswami Debasish Dr. Arunranjan Mishra
11 Mahabhutas in the and#7770;gveda An Environmental Approach Ghosh Annapurna Dr. Niranjan Jena
12 Mahābhūtas in the Ṛgveda : an environmental approach Ghosh, Annapurna Dr. Jena, Niranjan
13 The simile based alamkaras in the alamkarasarvasva of ruyyaka an analysis Rooj, Pritam Dr. Arun Kumar Mondal
14 A study on puraṇic genealogy : with special reference to the vishu puraṇa Goswami Amal Krishna Dr. Laxmidhar, Malik
15 A Critical Study on the Commentary Arthadyotanika of Raghavabhaand#7789;and#7789;a based on the Drama Abhijnanassakuntalam Mondal Priyanka Dr. Arun Kumar Mondal
16 prayascittavidhi on the basis of manusmrti and yajnavalkyasmrti a comparative study Jana, Tarak Dr. Sanjay Kumar Mondal
17 Sanskrit short stories of Keshab Chandra Dash a study Bhattacharjee Sukanya Dr. Pritilaxmi Swain
18 A critical assessment of the philosophical thoughts in the svetasvataropanisad Mal Swapan Dr. Jagatram Bhattacharjee
19 A n A n a l y s i s o f t h e P u b l i s h e d S a n s k r i t W o r k s o f P a n d i t N i t y a n a n d a M u k h o p a d h y a y Das Abhishek Dr. Arun Kumar Mondal
20 A critical study on nipatana in Sanskrit grammatical systems Chatterjee Sromonta Dr. Arun Kumar Mondal







