The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda School of Physics Admission 2024, Course & Fees Details, List of Professors and Faculty, Course Comparison

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Vadodara, Gujarat, India
Pratapgunj, Vadodara, Gujarat 390002 india
About Us

Sayajirao was born at Kavlana, 10th March 1863 as Shrimant Gopalrao Gaekwad, second son of Meherban ShrimantKashirao Bhikajirao [Dada Sahib] Gaekwad. He was selected by the British Government as successor to Maharaja Malharrao Gaekwad and was accordingly adopted by Maharani Jamna Bai, on 27th May 1875. He ascended the gadi (throne) at Baroda, 16th June 1875 but being a minor reigned under a Council of Regency until he came of age and was invested with full ruling powers, 28th December 1881. During his minority he was extensively tutored in administrative skills by Raja Sir T. Madhava Rao who groomed his young protege into being a ruler with foresight and with a will to provide welfare to his people. In this period Sir T. Madhava Rao restored the State to its normal conditions from the chaos in which it was left by the predecessor of Sayajirao. Not a little credit for what the Maharaja achieved during his life in every sphere of human activity must be given to F. A. H. Elliot.The learning which Sayajirao acquired under Mr. Eliot's able guidance made him a great statesman, educator, and ruler. It is acknowledged that the Maharaja Sayajirao was a prince among the educators and an educator among the princes. He had to undergo such a heavy course of studies that it would have made many a student hate them. But it made him realize his shortcomings and strengthened his determination to acquire more knowledge.

Title in Physics The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda

# Title Researcher Guide(s)
1 Optical studies on metal crystals zinc and antimony Balasubramanian,A P Dr. Pandya,N S
2 Radiation induced modification of polymeric materials Shah,Nilam N Dr. Singh,N L
3 Studies in structure and properties of light nuclei Shah,Sunder K Dr. Pandya,S P
4 Nuclear level densities and other statistical quantities with interactions in spectral averaging theory Systematic studies and applications Majumdar,Debasish Dr. Kota,V Krishna Brahmam
5 Study of InBi Te single crystals Jani,T M Dr. Pandya,G R
6 Constraints on unified theories in the light of new experimental results Brahmachari,Biswajoy Dr. Sarkar,Utpal
7 A study on InBiSb and InBiSe intermetallic compounds Shah,Kamal R Dr. Pandya,G R
8 Heat transfer by free and forced convection Sanatkumar,Desai Harnivas Dr. Gogate, D V
9 Study of the spectra of diatomic molecules BiF Sbo and Sbo Chakoo,K J Dr. Patel,M M
10 An experimental study on crystals and thin films of Bi Te Sb Sn Se Soni,Pruthviraj H Dr. Desai,C F
11 The study of collective bands of hole states in nuclei with N Z 28 and of high spin states in nuclei with N = 28 and 29 Ahalpara,Dilip P Dr. Bhatt,K H
12 Study of bulk thin film properties of INBI compound doped with SB and SE Shah,Dimple J Dr. Pandya,G R
13 Optical study of etch and dehydration figures on crystal surfaces calcite and selenite Mehta,Bharat Jaydevbhai Dr. Pandya,J R
14 Hyperfine interaction studies in germanium based dilute magnetic semiconducting alloys Patel,Narendra P Dr. Somayajulu,D R S
15 Optical studies on crystal surfaces antimony growth and etch phenomena Thakar,Badrinarayan Bhailalbhai Dr. Pandya,N S
16 Study of indium bismuthide single crystals Desai,Chandrasinh Fattesinh Dr. Bhatt,V P
17 Optical and related studies of crystals ammonium hydrogen d tartarate single crystals Kuruvilla,Annie Dr. Pandya,J R
18 Applications of spectral distribution methods and single nucleon transfer reactions Tressler,Neera Dr. Potbhare,V N
19 TDPAC studies in some elemental and compound semiconductors Pal,Gayatri Dr. Somayajulu,D R S
20 Investigations on the spectra of diatomic molecules halides of cadmium Patel,Suryakant Purshottamdas Dr. Patel,M M







