Mangalore University School of Physics Admission 2024, Course & Fees Details, List of Professors and Faculty, Course Comparison

Mangalore University
Mangalore, Karnataka, India
Mangalagangotri Karnataka State India
0824 228 7347
About Us

Mangalore University campus at Mangalagangothri, located about 20 km to the south-east of the historic coastal town of Mangalore, sets the tone for the educational endeavours of the three districts under the jurisdiction of the University. It is a picturesque campus that sprawls over 353 acres, overlooking the confluence of the river Nethravathi with the Arabian Sea on one side, and the cloud-capped Western Ghats on the other. It grew out of a modest Postgraduate Centre of the University of Mysore to become the focal point of an independent University in 1980.

Title in Physics Mangalore University

# Title Researcher Guide(s)
1 K and L Shell fluorescence studies on medium Z rare earth and high Z elements K, Sripathi Punchithaya Dr. Balakrishna, K M
2 Studies on behaviour of radionuclides and trace elements in the environment of Mangalore V, Prakash Dr. Narayana, Y
3 Studies on growth and characterization of some optoelectronic and nonlinear single crystals Aithal, P Sreeramana Dr. Rao, P Mohan
4 Effect of radiation quality and irradiation condition on the induction of damages in biological system Joseph, Praveen Dr. Narayana, Y
5 Studies on transportation and enrichment of Radionuclides in monozite areas of Southwest Coast of India Shetty, Pramod Kumar Dr. Narayana, Y
6 Experimental investigations of photo induced effects in liquid crystalline systems K L, Sandhya Dr. Prasad S, Krishna
7 Studies on Radiation Level Radionuclides and Trace Elements concentration in environmental metrices around Gogi uranium mining region Yashodhara, I Dr. Karunakara, N
8 Studies on transfer factors and transfer coefficients of ceasium and strontium in soil-grass-milk pathway and estimation and radiation dose in the environment of Kaiga U, Prabhu Ujwal Dr. N, Karunakara
9 Growth and properties of organic nonlinear optical crystals Prabhu, Sharada G Dr. Rao, P Mohan
10 Spectropolarimetry of Active Regions on the Sun K, Nagaraj Dr. K E, Rangarajan
11 Thermal expansion and thermoluminescence studies on some borate glasses E G, Sudha Moni Dr. Karat, Prakash P
12 Studies on the photo fission of some actinide nuclei H G, Rajprakash Dr. Kumar, K B Vijay
13 Gas and dust in the magellanic clouds Pradhan, Ananta Charan Dr. Jayant, Murthy
14 A study on the effect of 8 MeV electron irradiation on the semiconductor devices using microtron Rao, Asha Dr. K, Siddappa
15 An investigation into the nature of sources associated with the Gamma Ray burst phenomenon Bhargavi, S G Dr. Cowsik, Ramanath
16 Studies on some novel nonlinear optical materials M, Narayan Bhat Dr. Dharmaprakash, S M
17 Life time studies of metastable states in highly charged ions using a new experimental chamber by two foil technique Vijaya, M G Dr. Nayak, N Govinda
18 Crystal growth and characterization of some novel organic non-linear materials Crasta, Vincent Dr. V, Ravindrachary
19 Studies on radioactivity in aquatic and atmospheric environs of coastal Karnataka and Kaiga Mahesh, H M Dr. Siddappa, K
20 Investigations on Cd Se Te thin films and devices T, Bhuvaneswara Babu Dr. Kumar, K B Vijaya







