Mangalore University School of Applied Botany Admission 2024, Student Also Visited, Faculty and Fees Review, Latest News

Mangalore University
Mangalore, Karnataka, India
Mangalagangotri Karnataka State India
0824 228 7347
About Us

Mangalore University campus at Mangalagangothri, located about 20 km to the south-east of the historic coastal town of Mangalore, sets the tone for the educational endeavours of the three districts under the jurisdiction of the University. It is a picturesque campus that sprawls over 353 acres, overlooking the confluence of the river Nethravathi with the Arabian Sea on one side, and the cloud-capped Western Ghats on the other. It grew out of a modest Postgraduate Centre of the University of Mysore to become the focal point of an independent University in 1980.

Title in Applied Botany Mangalore University

# Title Researcher Guide(s)
1 Influence of AM Fungi and PGPRMs on the growth of Sida Cordifolla L and Solanum Nigrum L K V, Chethan Kumar Dr. Chandrashekar
2 Effect of salinity stress on the germination and enzyme activities in different varieties of Vigna Unguiculata L walp seeds Dheeraj, Shobha Dr. Chandrashekar, K R
3 Agrobacterium mediated transformation and genetic analysis of Chilli Capsicum Annuum L Raghunathachari, P Dr. D Souza L, L
4 Studies on arbuscular mycorrhizae of selected species of plant in the kdremukha region of western ghats C, Madhusoodhanan Pillai Dr. Kaveriappa, K M
5 Identification and cloning of chitinase gene from Piper Colubrinum link R, Varma Sandeep Dr. A, Parthasarathy V
6 Genetic analysis in coconut Cocos nucifera L C G, Narayanan Namboothiri Dr. Parthasarathy, V A
7 Identification molecular characterisation and development of diagnostics for the viruses associated with vanilla Vanilla planifolia Andrews V, Bhadra Murthy Dr. A, Ishwara Bhat
8 Early sex determination and in Vitro multiplication of palmyrah palm Borassus Flabellifer L George, Jiji Dr. Karun, Anitha
9 Utilization of Arecanut Areca catechu L wastes for oyster mushroom Pleurotus species production Madhusudhanan, K Dr. Chandramohanan, R
10 Studies on endophytic colonization of bacteria in black pepper Peper Nigrum L roots against Phytophthora Capsici and Radopholus Similis R, Aravind Dr. Kumar, A
11 Biocontrol of phytophthora palmivora BUTL the casual organism of bud rot disease of coconut palm Cocos Nucifera l Moosa, H Dr. Ahmad, Rasheed
12 Tagging root wilt resistance genes in Coconut using DAF K, Jayadev Dr. Parthasarathy, V A
13 Allozyme studies in coconut cultivars and hybrids P, Geetha Lakshmi Dr. Parthasarathy, V A
14 Antioxidant antimicrobial and antidiabetic activities of certain phytochemicals of Western Ghat plants Hidayathulla, Syed Dr. Chandrashekar, K R
15 Studies on the succession of mycoflora and biochemical changes in the letter of Holigarna Ferruginea Marchand and Gymnacranthera Farquhariana Hook F and Thomson Warb Shenoy, H Soorya Prakash Dr. Ahmad, Rasheed
16 Relevance of fumonisin mycotoxins in Indian context H, Shetty Prathapkumar Dr. Bhat, Ramesh V
17 Ethnomedicobotany of Naika tribe of Dakshina Kannada District of Karnataka and their clinical evaluation in Sarpasuttu Herpes zoster Bhat, J Ganapathi Dr. Chandrashekar, K R
18 Management of coffee husk waste by thermophilic fungi with a view to its application in agriculture and industries C, Venugopal Dr. Appaiah K A, Anu
19 Genetic variability for morphological biochemical and yield traits in Arecanut Areca Catechu L accessions B, Rajesh Dr. Ananda, K S
20 Indigenous plant-based knowledge with special reference to medical practice in the coastal District of Karnataka Bhandary, M Jayakara Dr. Chandrashekar, K R







