Jawaharlal Nehru University School of Biological Science Admission 2024, Entrance Exams, Job Prospects and Career Options, Average Salary

Jawaharlal Nehru University
New Delhi, Delhi, India
New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi , Delhi- 110067
About Us

Jawaharlal Nehru University is the foremost university in India, and a world-renowned centre for teaching and research. Ranked number one in India by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) with a Grade Point of 3.91 (on a scale of 4), JNU was ranked no 3 among all universities in India by the National Institutional Ranking Framework, Government of India, in 2016 and no 2 in 2017. JNU also received the Best University Award from the President of India in 2017.

Still a young university, established by an act of Parliament in 1966, the strength, energy, and reputation of Jawaharlal Nehru University result from the vision that ideas are a field for adventure, experimentation and unceasing quest, and that diversity of opinions are the basis for intellectual exploration. JNU is the place for the intellectually restless, the insatiably curious, and the mentally rigorous, giving them the space to grow amidst the calmness of an oasis, a green lung within the hustle and bustle and the crowds of the capital city of India.

Coming into being in 1969, three years after its establishment by Parliament, JNU brought frontier disciplines and newer perspectives for old disciplines to the Indian university system. The excellent teacher-student ratio at 1:10, the mode of instruction which encourages students to explore their own creativity instead of reproducing received knowledge, and of exclusively internal evaluation, were also new to the Indian academic landscape and have stood the test of time. The very Nehruvian objectives embedded in the founding of the University – ‘national integration, social justice, secularism, the democratic way of life, international understanding and a scientific approach to the problems of society’, had built into them constant and energetic endeavour to renew knowledge through self- questioning.

Title in Biological Science Jawaharlal Nehru University

# Title Researcher Guide(s)
1 Structural studies on interaction of LH/CG Recepter with choriogonadotropin Grewal, Navreena Dr. Salunke, Dinakar M
2 Understanding the structural basis for degenerate specificity in molecular recognition Sethi, Dhruv Kam Dr. Salunke, M Dinakar
3 Androgen and FSH mediated signal transduction in immature and mature sertoli cells a study using rats and monkeys Sarda, Kanchan Dr. Majumdar, S Subeer
4 Effect of formulation variables on immunogenicity of antigen loaded biodegradable polymer particles Katare, Yogesh Kuma. Dr. Panda, K.Amulya
5 Ribonucleolytic toxin restrictocin: structure - function studies Nayak, Surendra Kumar Dr. Batra, Janendra K
6 Synthesis and biological activity of Somatostatin analogs and their derivatives Dasgupta, Piyali Dr. Batra, Janendra K
7 Analysis of differential activation of effector T Cell pathways in response to Salmonella typhimurium immunogens Thatte, Jayant Dr. Bal, Vineeta
8 Studies on pharmacological modulation of T cell development and maturation Suresh, R Dr. Rath, Satyajit
9 Studies on V8 protease-catalyzed splicing of non-interacting peptide segments Kumaran, S Dr. Roy, R P
10 Molecular mimicry of concanavalin a ligands: structural implications and immunological relevance Jain, Deepti Dr. Salunke, Dinakar M
11 Cloning and characterization of a gene specific to the human testis Srinivasan, Shankar Dr. Suri, K Anil
12 Crystallographic studies on an antibacterial protein of immune origin from tasar silkworm Jawahar Swaminathan, G Dr. Salunke, M Dinakar
13 Modulation of macrophage metabolism by selective delivery of biological response modifiers Srividya, S Dr. Basu, Z K Sandip
14 Cytotoxic ribonuclease restrictocin: an investigation on the intracellular mechanism of action Goyal, Anita Dr. Batra, Janendra K
15 Recombinant fusion of functional regions of gp63 of leishmania with LTB of E. coli: expression, immunogenecity and efficacy to block steps important for leishmaniasis Krishanan, Anuja Dr. Garg, Lalit C
16 In vitro reconstitution of salmonella phagosome-endosome fusion process Mukherjee, Konark Dr. Mukhopadyay, Amitabha
17 Contraceptive potential of peptides corresponding to functionally relevant B cell eiptopes of zona pellucida glycoproteins Afzalpurkar, Abhijit A Dr. Gupta, K Satish
18 Studies in generation of MHC Peptide complexes Singh, Nagendra Dr. Rath, Satyajit
19 Mammalian ribonuclease-based immunotoxins for trageted therapy : a comparative study Bal, Harshawardhan P Dr. Batra, K Janendra
20 Computational approach for understanding substrate specificity of polyketide synthases Yadav, Gitanjali Dr. Mohanty, Debasisa







