Homi Bhabha National Institute School of Physical Sciences Admission 2024-25, Books, Preparation, Sports

Homi Bhabha National Institute
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
2nd floor, BARC Training School Complex, Anushaktinagar, Mumbai,Maharashtra,India - 400094
022-25597626, 022-25597627
About Us

The Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) was established in 1954 and its mandate includesi. Research, including fundamental research in matters connected with atomic energy and the development of its uses in agriculture, biology, industry and medicine; and

ii. Advancement of higher mathematics. In pursuit of its mandate, the DAE has established research and development centres as

well as grant-in-aid institutions, and has taken in its fold several existing institutions as its grant-in-aid institutions. Together all institutions under the umbrella of the DAE present a formidable group in terms of expertise in science and engineering and research infrastructure.

For developing a well trained manpower to fulfill its mandate, DAE has been running a “Training School” since1957. The Training School meets the requirement both for broad-based training in the field of nuclear science and engineering, required for theemployees, as well as the coursework required for M.Tech/Ph.D programs.Given the depth and range of its operation of its programmes, the Training School in fact, functions as a Graduate School.

Considering continued expansion of the atomic energy programme and considering the fact that the DAE institutions are engaged in human resource development, the DAE decided to establish the Homi Bhabha National Institute (HBNI) having the status of a deemed university

after accreditation from appropriate authorities. A Steering Committee with Prof. Rama Rao, former VC, Hyderabad as the Chairman, was set up by DAE, which drafted a proposal for submission to the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) and the University

Grants Commission (UGC) in consultation with all possible constituent institutions. At this point of time, TIFR had already become a deemed university. An Expert Committee chaired by Prof. S.K. Joshi, appointed by the UGC visited Trombayin March 2005 and based on the

report of the Expert Committee and its acceptance by the MHRD, the HBNI was notified as a deeme to be university on June 3, 2005 and started its academic programmes in 2006. 

Title in Physical Sciences Homi Bhabha National Institute

# Title Researcher Guide(s)
1 Particle production and forward backward correlation at LHC energies Dash, Ajay Kumar Dr. Mahapatra, D P
2 Intense Gigawatt relativistic electron beam generation studies in planar and cylindrical Diodes Roy, Amitava Dr. Mittal, K C
3 Molecular dynamics simulations of coherent structures in strongly coupled Yukawa liquids Joy, Ashwin Dr. Ganesh, R
4 Some aspects of the phenomenology of B mesons Misra, Basudha Dr. Sinha, Rahul
5 Phenomenology with magnetized D Branes Panda, Binata Dr. Mukherji, Sudipta
6 Evolution of Galaxies and the intergalactic medium at high redshift Kulkarni, Girish Dr. Bagla, J S
7 High order harmonic generation from preformed laser plasma plumes Singhal, Himanshu Dr. Gupta, P D
8 Nonclassicality and entanglement in continuous variable systems Ivan, Jebathilagar Solomon Dr. Simon, R
9 Some aspects of Grand Unified Theory: gauge coupling unification with dimension-5 operators and neutrino masses in an SO(10) model Chakrabortty, Joydeep Dr. Raychaudhuri, Amitava
10 Linear and nonlinear global Gyrokinetic study of microinstabilities in Tokamaks Chowdhury, Jugal Dr. Ganesh, R
11 Neutrinos and some aspects of physics beyond the standard model Manimala, Mitra Dr. Choubey, Sandhya
12 Growth and characterization of Scheelite crystals Tyagi, Mohit Dr. Sangeeta
13 Some aspects of quantum phase transition in incipient ferroelectrics Das, Nabyendu Dr. Mishra, S G
14 Aspects of ADS/CFT Sircar, Nilanjan Dr. Balachandran, Sathiapalan
15 Classical and quantum corrections to entropy of extremal Black Hole Gupta, Rajesh Kumar Dr. Sen, Ashoke
16 Transport properties of strongly coupled gauge theories from holography Jain, Sachin Dr. Basu, Anirban
17 Study of early universe in an M theoretic model Bhawmick, Samrat Dr. Kalyana Rama, S
18 Gauge theory of gravity with topological invariants Sengupta, Sandipan Dr. Date, Ghanashyam
19 Unveiling some supersymmetric scenarios using Tau leptons at the large Hadron collider Biswas, Sanjoy Dr. Mukhopadhyaya, Biswarup
20 Plasma response to transient high voltage pulses Kar, Satyananda Dr. Mukherji, S







