Himachal Pradesh University School of Biological Science Admission 2024, Entrance Exams, Job Prospects and Career Options, Average Salary

Himachal Pradesh University
Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India
Summer Hill, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh 171005
0177 - 2833555
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Title in Biological Science Himachal Pradesh University

# Title Researcher Guide(s)
1 Foraging ecology and behaviour of Apis cerana F and Apis mellifera L in pollinating apple and cherry flowers Kumar, Lovell Dr. Mattu, V K
2 Regulation of leaf senescence by stress metabolites with a particular reference to proline and polyamines in Tropaeolum majus L Chhaya Dr. Sharma, Shanti S
3 Biological studies on Morchella species _morels_ of Himachal Himalayas Shad, Onkar Singh Dr. Lakhanpal, T N
4 Genotoxicity of industrial chemicals in mammalian cells _Rattus rattus_ and its minimization by medicinal plant extracts Chauhan, Kiran Dr. Verma, Savitri
5 Studies on Mycorrhiza of Picea smithiana _wall_ Boiss and Pinus gerardiana _ wall Kumar, Sunil Dr. Lakhanpal, T N
6 Studies on temple plants of Himachal Pradesh Kumar, Suresh Dr. Sood, S K
7 Studies on the variation and correlation among some wood characteristics in blue pine _ Pinus wallichiana A B Jackson Seth, Mukesh Kumar Dr. Jain, K K
8 Wood anatomical characteristics of timbers used for packaging Chaman Lai Dr. M.K. Seth
9 Cytoprotective effects of some medicinal plant extracts against Genotoxicity of Potassium Dichromate _K2Cr2O2_ and Ethyl Methanesulphonate _EMS_ in Mice _Muss musculus_ in vivo Bhardwaj, Rahul Dr. Verma, Savitri
10 Bioecology of Apis and its mite pests in relation to almond and peach pollination Kumar, Davinder Dr. Mattu, Vinod K
11 A first principle study of layered transition metal dichalcogenides and reconstructed germanium surfaces Kumar, Ashok Dr. Ahluwalia, P K
12 Melissopalynology and bee botanical investigations on honey plant resources of Mandi and Kullu hills of Himachal Pradesh Jamwal, Radhika Dr. Mattu, Vinod Kumar
13 Taxonomical and histochemical studies on nematodes of some carnivorous vertebrates from Himachal Pradesh Jasial, Kiran Dr. Kalia, D C
14 Studies on some antigens of a rodent malaria parasite Plasmodium berghei vincke and lips 1948 Pirta, Chhaya Dr. Banyal, H S
15 Studies on the control of green peach aphid Myzus persicae _Sulzer_ on potato crop with systemic insecticides and assessment of their residues in potatoes Misra, Saryoo Saran Dr. Agrawal, Hari Om and Nagaich, B B
16 Hydrobiological studies of Renuka and Rewalsar lakes of Himachal Pradesh with special emphasis on productivity Chauhan, Ramesh C Dr. Thakur, R S
17 Taxonomic study of microlepidoptera fauna of Himachal Pradesh Kumar, Pawan Dr. Sharma, Sushma
18 Bio_ecology and larval morphology karyology and parasitoids of two species of Bruchids _Bruchidae_ Coleoptera_ Thakur, Desh Raj Dr. Banyal, H S
19 Indigenous technical knowledge on management of agro-biodiversity in indian himalayas with focus on insect-pest control Prof. L.R. VERMA Dr. CHAMAN LAL
20 Isolation and characterization of some antigens of Plasmodium berghei Elangbam, Nanda Dr. Banyal, H S







