Gauhati University School of Zoology Admission 2024, Check Eligibility, Year Wise Comparison for Students Placed, Entrance Exams

Gauhati University
Guwahati, Assam, India
Guwahati 781014 Assam India
+91 361 2570412
About Us

t was indeed a dream come true for thousands of people of Assam who had relentlessly agitated for decades for an institute of higher education in the province when Gauhati University was established on 26 January, 1948.

For a long time, the only university in the entire eastern region was at Calcutta. This university catered to the needs not only of the students from Bengal but also of those from Bihar, Orissa and Assam. Naturally, therefore, seats for students from Assam were extremely limited and very often even meritorious students found themselves ousted in the fray. Over the years, this had caused resentment among the educated Assamese youth and the necessity of a separate university began to be acutely felt.

Title in Zoology Gauhati University

# Title Researcher Guide(s)
1 Studies on the systematics and bioecology of the ichthyospecies belonging to the genus tor gray from jia bharali drainages of Assam India Das, Manindra Dr. Dey, S C
2 Effect of commercial insecticides on some cultivable ichthyospecies under Assam condition Chetri, Lily Dr. Dey, S C
3 Systematics distribution and ecology of lchthyofauna of Arunachal Pradesh with particular reference to the limnobiology of Itanagar lake Nath, Pranab Dr. Dey, S C
4 Toxic effects of liver and ovary of globe fish tetradon cutcutia on housefly musca domestica L Kakoti, Rashmimala Baruah Dr. Mahanta, H C
5 Vitamin A in freshwater fish Goswami, Umesh Chandra Dr. Barua, A B
6 Impact of environmental perturbation on biosystem of bharalu river in Guwahati AssamIndia Sarma, Dandadhar Dr. Dutta, Amalesh
7 Studies on certain aspects of ultra structure of sensory system of muga silk worm antheraea assamensis Ww lepidoptera saturniidae Singh, Surendra Dr. Sharma, D K
8 Studies on cellular features of muga silkworm gut with reference to ecophysiology of feeding and digestion under indoor rearing conditions Dkhar, Begonia Dr. Sharma, D K
9 Studies on aquatic insects of fish pond ecosystem with special reference to hemiptera Hazarika, Rabindra Dr. Goswami, M M
10 Role of vitamin C as inhibitor of malignancy in mammal Bora, Upendra Nath Dr. Das, M
11 Ecology and breeding biology of puntius gelius hamilton buchanan an ornamental fish of Assam Sarma, Sanjay Dr. Dutta, Amalesh
12 Genetic elements in some traits connected with finger and palmer dermatoglyphics a study among the muslims of Lakhimpur district Assam Rajbongshi, Amiya Phukan Dr. Deka, Tarini Charan
13 Effects of malathion on certain aspects of the biology of freshwater eel monopterus cuchia ham buch Bora Baruah, Indira Kumari Dr. Goswami, U C
14 Effect of carbohydrate supplementation on haemolymph and silk gland of philosamia ricini B with reference to amino acid profile Sarma, Santanu Dr. Bhattacharyya, Indra Kumar
15 Biochemical studies on certain enzymes of carbohydrate metabolism at some stages of development of silkworms antheraea assama westwood and philosamia ricini boisduval Choudhury, Arundhati Dr. Unni, B G
16 Studies on certain aspects on the metabolism of carotenoids in freshwater fish Dutt, Lekha Dr. Goswami, U C
17 Certain aspects of limnology and fishery of baskandi lake in the Cachar district of Assam Dhar, Nilendu Dr. Goswami, M M
18 Study on antitumor activity of copper complex BRH2 on dalton lymphoma Razzak, Syed Abdur Dr. Sharma, D K
19 Studies on bionomics of haemadipsa sylvestris blanchard and antileech properties of some plants of Jorhat area of Assam Leela, Dubasi Sai Dr. Borkotoki, Aparajitha
20 Chemoimmunotherapeutical and toxicological studies in tumour bearing mice after treatment with cisplatin and vitamin e Kumar, Anil Dr. Bhola, R K







