Cochin Unviersity of Science & Technology School of Earth Science Admission 2024, Important Topics, Exams, Loan

Cochin Unviersity of Science & Technology
Kochi - Kerala, Kerala, India
Kochi, Cochin - 682 022
484 2577290, 484 2862281
About Us


The University’s basic philosophy and goals find eloquent expression in its Coat of Arms emblazoning the motto “Tejaswinavadhitamastu” which in essence means “may the wisdom accrued deify us both the teacher and the taught and percolate to the Universe in its totality”, which in essence means “may learning illumine us both” (the teacher and the taught).


The University shall have the following objectives as its mission:

(i) to prosecute and promote research in applied science, technology, industry, commerce, management and social  science for the advancement of knowledge and for the betterment of society;

(ii) to provide facilities and offer opportunities for graduate and post-graduate education in applied science, technology, industry, commerce, management and social science by instruction, training, research, development and extension and by such other means as the University may deem fit;

(iii) to devise and implement programmes of education in applied science, technology, industry, commerce, management and social science that are relevant to the changing needs of society, in terms of breadth of diversity and depth of specialization;

(iv) to serve as a centre for fostering co-operation and exchange of ideas between the academic and research community on the one hand and industry on the other;

(v) to organise exchange programmes with other institutions of repute in India and abroad with a view to keeping abreast of the latest developments in relevant areas of teaching and research. 

Title in Earth Science Cochin Unviersity of Science & Technology

# Title Researcher Guide(s)
1 Geochemistry, petrogenesis and palaeomagnetism of the dyke swarms of Thiruvannamalai area,Tamilnadu and the lithospheric processes in South India Joseph, Mathew Dr. Radhakrishna, T
2 Geochemistry and genesis of laterite in parts of Cannanore district, North Kerala Narayanaswamy Dr. Soman, K
3 Photodiagnosis of oral malignancy using laser-induced fluorescence and diffuse reflectance spectroscopy Mallia J, Rupananda Dr. Subhash, N
4 Spectroscopic investigation of tooth caries and demineralization Thomas, Shiny Sara Dr. Subhash, N
5 Characteristics of near surface crustal deformation associated with shield seismicity: two examples from Peninsular India John, Biju Dr. Rajendran, C P
6 Sea level variations during the latequaternary and coastal evolution along the northern Kerala, South West of India Haneeshkumar, V Dr. Samsuddin, M
7 Sediment budgeting studies for the Kollam coast Rajith, K Dr. Kurian, N P
8 Agroclimatological studies of Kerala state for application in land use planning Saravanan, E Dr. Ram Mohan, H S
9 Beach-surf zone morphodynamics along a wave-dominated coast Thomas, K V Dr. Baba, M
10 Coastal hydrology of Kozhikode, Kerala Nazimuddin, M Dr. Baba, M
11 Distribution of some selected toxic metals in the Cochin Harbour Region Ouseph, P P Dr. Balakrishnan, K P
12 Studies on beach morphological changes using numerical models Shamji, V R Dr. Kurian, N P
13 Constraining the active tectonic deformation of Andaman Nicobar Arc in the background of December 26 2004 Great Sumatra Andaman Earthquake Earnest, Anil Dr. Rajendran, C P
14 Some studies on wave prediction in indian seas Prasada Rao C V K Dr. Baba M
15 Wave Mud interaction in Mudbanks Mathew, Joseph Dr. Baba M
16 Sedimentology and mineralogy of the beach strand plain and innershelf sedlments of the Northern Kerala Coast Samsuddin M Dr. Dora, Y L
17 Studies on Beypore Estuary trace metals distribution and physico chemical characteristics Nair, M N Muraleedharan Dr. Lakshamanan P T
18 Texture, composition and provenance of innershelf sediments between Narakkal and Purakkad, Kerala with special reference to the formation of mud banks Ramachandran K K Dr. Seralathan P
19 Seasonal and interannual variability of sea level and associated surface meteorological parameters at Cochin Srinivas K Dr. Rao, R R
20 Mass transport in the equatorial indian ocean Chandanaveetil Marthankandy Harish Dr. Sharma, G S







