Calcutta University School of Zoology Admission 2024, Check Eligibility, Year Wise Comparison for Students Placed, Entrance Exams

Calcutta University
Kolkata, West Bengal, India
College Square, Kolkata, West Bengal
033-22413288, 25747474, 22410071, 24037237, 033- 22413222
About Us

The Court of Directors of the East India Company sent a despatch in July, 1854 to the Governor-General of India in Council, suggesting the establishment of the Universities of Calcutta, Madras and Bombay.

In pursuance of that despatch, the University of Calcutta was founded on JANUARY 24, 1857.

The University adopted in the first instance, the pattern of the University of London and gradually introduced modifications in its constitution.

Title in Zoology Calcutta University

# Title Researcher Guide(s)
1 Diversity and predatory potential of common aquatic hemiptera of two different wetland ecosystems Saha, Nabaneeta Dr. Saha, Goutam Kumar
2 Age related alterations in adrenal responses to stress Sarkar, Sanjukta Dr. Ghosh, Asok
3 Studies on soil inhabiting mites acari with special reference to oribatei in degraded and waste disposal sites in Kolkata and Suburbs West Bengal India Banerjee, Soumya Dr. Sanyal, Asok Kanti
4 Pathological changes and possible prophylaxis of an ectoparasitised freshwater Fish Saha, Samar Kumar Dr. Banerjee, Samir
5 Studies on nematode parasites associated with paddy crop of West Bengal India Ghosh, Subhash Chandra Dr. Manna, B
6 Studies on digestive enzymes during early developmental stages of an exotic carp Aristichthys nobilis Richardson Michael, Rani Dr. Banerjee, Samir
7 Taxonomy of neuroptera insecta in Eastern India Ghosh, Sanat Kumar Dr. Raychaudhuri, D N
8 Studies on the morphology life history and bionomics of coccidian protozoa sporozoa parasites in passerine birds Bhattacharya, Amal Dr. Chakravarty, M M
9 Studies in the nest associates of resident birds of Midnapore district with special reference to arthropods and their relationship with the host bird Majumdar, Kasturi Dr. Mukherjee, A K
10 Morphogenesis and dynamics of erythropoietic cell lines and leucocytes of labeo Rohita in relation to life cycle and some environmental challenges Som, Madhumita Dr. Homchaudhuri, Sumit
11 Studies on the blood cells and thymus of pseudopocryptes lanceolatus Bloch and Schneider De, Subrata Kumar Dr. Pal, S G
12 Role of JAK STAT pathway in myocardial collagen upregulation during hypertrophy Mir, Saiful Anam Dr. Sarkar, Sagartirtha
13 Cytophysiology of avian salivary glands Ganguly, Ashish Dr. Ghosh, Asok
14 Neurosecretory cells of the cephalic nerve ring with particular reference to their relationship with vascularization in earthworm Metaphire peguana Rosa 1890 Biswas, Champa Dr. Maiti, B R
15 Avian endocrine pancreas an experimental model for endocrine controlled glucoregulatory studies Das, Madhusudan Dr. Ghosh, Asok
16 Neurosecretion of the frontal ganglia of roach nymphs Periplaneta Americana LINN Jana, Nabakanta Dr. Nanda, D K
17 Ecology of the pest complex of Okra in West Bengal Maiti, Manilal Dr. Raychaudhuri, D
18 Functional significance of hyperactivity and interaction of regulatory proteins in dosage compensation in drosophila Maitra, Sushmita Dr. Mukherjee, Ardhendu Shekhar
19 Feeding ecology and studies on the alimentary canal and its associated structures of Indian common heron Bubulcus IBIS coromandus Boddart Bala, Biswanath Dr. Pal, S G
20 Hydrobiology of some brackish and Fresh water ecosystems of West Bengal India Bandyopadhyay, Biplab Kumar Dr. Datta, N C







