Calcutta University School of Science Admission 2024, Ranking, Question Papers, Videos

Calcutta University
Kolkata, West Bengal, India
College Square, Kolkata, West Bengal
033-22413288, 25747474, 22410071, 24037237, 033- 22413222
About Us

The Court of Directors of the East India Company sent a despatch in July, 1854 to the Governor-General of India in Council, suggesting the establishment of the Universities of Calcutta, Madras and Bombay.

In pursuance of that despatch, the University of Calcutta was founded on JANUARY 24, 1857.

The University adopted in the first instance, the pattern of the University of London and gradually introduced modifications in its constitution.

Title in Science Calcutta University

# Title Researcher Guide(s)
1 Studies on some aspects of non perturbative field theory and chiral anomalies Bandyopadhyay, Rabin Dr. Banerjee, H
2 Response of cultured mammalian cells to radiations Gangopadhyay, Tapan Kumar Dr. Bhattacharjee, S B
3 Studies on the genotoxicity of nitrofurantoin in some bacterial systems Rahman, Md Sayeedur Dr. Chatterjee, S N
4 Electronic structure and transport in quantum disordered solids Dasgupta, Indra Dr. Mookerjee, Abhijit
5 Physico chemical studies on lectins from some leguminous plants studies on lectins from seeds of lathyrus sativus LINN Gupta, Bijan Kumar Dutta Dr. Sen, A
6 Problems in general theory of relativity Bera, Kachiram Dr. Datta, B K
7 Molecular complexes role of charge transfer and electrostatic forces in donor acceptor complexes of type Ghosh, Biswanath Das Dr. Basu, Rama
8 Scattering of electrons and positrons by different atoms Sarkar, Kalpana Dr. Basu, D
9 Some aspect of quantum gravity torsion and gravity without the metric Mallik, Lipika Dr. Bandyopadhyay, Pratul
10 Some geometrical aspects of N 1 supergravity Mahato, Prasanta Kumar Dr. Bandyopadhyay, Pratul
11 Studies on the mechanism of action of heat stable enterotoxin ST of escherichia coli in Rat intestinal epithelial cells Banik, Nupur Dr. Ganguly, Uma
12 Physicochemical and biochemical studies on vibrio cholerae hemolysin a carbohydrate binding protein with pore forming activity in membrane lipid bilayer Chattopadhyay, Kausik Dr. Banerjee, Kalyan K
13 Scattering of water waves in the presence of obstacles and associated mathematical methods Goswami, Sudipkumar Dr. Mandal, B N
14 Positron annihilation and scanning electron microscopy studies on alpha irradiated tantalum tungsten molybdenum and aluminium samples Nambissan, P M Gopalakrishnan Dr. Sen, Prasanta
15 Studies on cell associated and cell free toxins in shigella SPP salmonella typhimurium diarrhoeagenic escherichia coli vibrio SPP and aeromonas SPP isolated from clinical cases in Calcutta India Pal, Amit Dr. Nair, G B
16 The study of deformed odd odd nuclei Datta, Ushasi Dr. Bhattacharya, S
17 Evaluation of the healing potential of the myristica malabarica constituent malabaricone C and the active fraction of picrorrhiza kurroa against the indomethacin induced gastropathy mechanism of action Maity, Biswanath Dr. Bandyopadhyay, Sandip K
18 On some aspects of time resolved study of emissions in condensed phase Ray, Deb Shankar Dr. Chowdhury, Mihir
19 Studies on the decay of light composite system produced by low energy heavy ion reaction Bandyopadhyay, Dipa Dr. Basu, S K
20 Instabilities and some other problems in plasma D E, Sukla Dr. Choudhury, R K Roy







