Calcutta University School of Bio-Chemistry Admission 2024, Steps to Check Result, Jobs, Learn More About Courses

Calcutta University
Kolkata, West Bengal, India
College Square, Kolkata, West Bengal
033-22413288, 25747474, 22410071, 24037237, 033- 22413222
About Us

The Court of Directors of the East India Company sent a despatch in July, 1854 to the Governor-General of India in Council, suggesting the establishment of the Universities of Calcutta, Madras and Bombay.

In pursuance of that despatch, the University of Calcutta was founded on JANUARY 24, 1857.

The University adopted in the first instance, the pattern of the University of London and gradually introduced modifications in its constitution.

Title in Bio-Chemistry Calcutta University

# Title Researcher Guide(s)
1 Studies on carboxy termini of tubulin identification of their regulatory roles Mukhopadhyay, Krishnendu
2 Platelets as disease biomarkers bioassays based on platelet nanoparticle interaction Deb, Suryyani
3 Isolation and characterization of human fetal brain fatty acid binding protein role in fatty acid transfer and metabolism Mukhopadhyay, Durba Dr. Mkherjee, Manju
4 Studies on mitochondrial dysfunctions in adipose tissue of type 2 diabetes patients with or without obesity Chattopadhyay, Mrittika Dr. Chakrabarti, Sasanka
5 Studies on Indian traditional medicine Picrorhiza kurrooa KATUKI and peptic ulcer Ray, Arun Dr. Bandyopadhyay, Sandip Kumar
6 Synergistic enhancement of cytotoxicity of known chemotherapeutic agents by mahanine in colon and cervical carcinoma Das, Ranjita Dr. Mandal, Chitra
7 Modulation of immune responses by small regulatory RNA in mammalian macrophages Majumder, Anup Dr. Bhattacharyya, Suvendra Nath
8 Biochemical analysis of rice grain quality and RNAi mediated silencing of lipoxygenase gene for maintenance of quality during storage Gayen, Dipak Dr. Datta, Swapan K
9 Studies on DNase I hypersensitive sites of chromatin and its interaction with anthracycline antitumour antibiotics Panda, Chinmay Kumar Dr. Choudhury, K
10 Identification of proteins or peptides for development of biomarkers of heart diseases Mukherjee, Somaditya Dr. Bandyopadhyay, Arun
11 Spectroscopic studies on the medicinally important molecules with various nanoparticles and their interaction with different cell lines Chaudhuri, Siddhi Dr. Pal, Samir Kumar
12 Deciphering the role of prostaglandin E2 and cAMP signaling pathway in modulating host protective response by the protozoan parasite, Leishmania donovani Saha, Amrita Dr. Ukil, Anindita
13 Molecular and biochemical studies of mitochondrial dysfunction in insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes Bhattacharjee, Sudarshan Dr. Roy, Sib Sankar
14 Immunostimulation of antigen presenting cells by differentially charged liposomes Maji, Mithun Dr. Ali, Nahid
15 Effect of reproductive tract fluids on functional characteristics of human spermatozoa Das, Tuhin Dr. Chakravarty, B N
16 Metabolic studies of ascorbic acid Sasmal, Nirmalendu Dr. Chatterjee, G C
17 Studies on biomolecular recognition using ultrafast laser spectroscopic techniques Mondol, Tanumoy Dr. Pal, Samir Kumar
18 Structural characterization of type III secretion system related translocator and effector from Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Dey, Supratim Dr. Datta, Saumen
19 Biology of megakaryocytes Haldar, Srijan Dr. Banerjee, Subrata
20 Alcohol addiction - Molecular basis and therapy Banerjee, Tuhin Suvro Dr. Das, Sumantra







