Calcutta University School of Agronomy Admission 2024, Event, Yoga Day, List of Professors and Faculty

Calcutta University
Kolkata, West Bengal, India
College Square, Kolkata, West Bengal
033-22413288, 25747474, 22410071, 24037237, 033- 22413222
About Us

The Court of Directors of the East India Company sent a despatch in July, 1854 to the Governor-General of India in Council, suggesting the establishment of the Universities of Calcutta, Madras and Bombay.

In pursuance of that despatch, the University of Calcutta was founded on JANUARY 24, 1857.

The University adopted in the first instance, the pattern of the University of London and gradually introduced modifications in its constitution.

Title in Agronomy Calcutta University

# Title Researcher Guide(s)
1 Studies on some agronomic practices for increasing productivity and seed quality of rice oryza sativa L Samanta, Nirmalendu Dr. Sarkar, Ranjit Kumar
2 Studies on some agronomic practices for introduction of cotton in rainfed rice fallows of coastal alluvial land of West Bengal Majumdar, Rathis Chandra Dr. Sarkar, R K
3 Evolving appropriate rice based cropping system with integrated nutrient management for coastal saline belt of Sunderbans in West Bengal Pal, Probir Kumar Dr. Sarkar, R K
4 Studies on some aspects of agronomy of crops grown in Chotanagpur plateau Sit, Dwijadas Dr. Sarkar, R K
5 Effects of agronomic practices on some winter fodder crops grown on alluvial soil of West Bengal Mohasin, M D Dr. Sarkar, R K
6 Studies on paddy based cropping system under different agronomical practices in eastern plateau area Banik, Pabitra Dr. Bagchi, Dipak Kumar
7 Agronomic studies on some aspects of growth yield and mineral nutrition of potato under lateritic condition Ali, Sk Jahangir
8 Studies on agronomy of sunflower fertilizer management plant population and irrigation under Gangetic alluvial soil conditions Chakraborty, Timir Baran Dr. Bhattacharya, B
9 Studies on some aspects of agronomy of wet season low land rice Oryza Sativa under submerged condition in Gangetic alluvial soil Kundu, Chaity Dr. Sarkar, R K
10 Effects of nutrient management on sunflower helianthus annuus L grown in rice fallows under coastal ecosystem of Sundarbans in West Bengal Parya, Mrinal Kanti Dr. Sarkar, R K
11 Productivity of baby corn Zea Mays L under different agronomical practices in Eastern Plateau region Sharma, Ravi Chandra Dr. Banik, Pabitra
12 Effect of integrated nutrient management on the improvement of crop productivity in rice wheat sequence under irrigated ecosystem in Gangetic alluvial soil conditions of West Bengal Mitra, Shreya Dr. Sarkar, R K
13 Effect of zero tillage and management practices on growth and productivity of wheat triticum aestivum after transplanted rice in gangetic alluvial soils of West Bengal Das, Snehasish Dr. Sarkar, R K
14 Cultural and nutritional management of hybrid rice grown in dry season on gangetic entisol soil Maiti, Prasanta Kumar Dr. Bhattacharya, B
15 Growth nutrient uptake and grain yield responses of high yielding varieties of rice to N P and K in lateritic soil Hazra, Susanta Kumar Dr. Gupta, S K
16 Studies on agronomy of cigar tobacco in the eastern region of India Tripathi, Shesh Nath Dr. Bhattacharya, B
17 Studies on the nutrio physiology of rice plant Bera, Gouri Shankar Dr. Gupta, D K Das
18 Studies on agronomy of sunflower its cultural practices and water requirement for alluvial and lateritic soils of Eastern India Basu, Biplab Dr. Bhattacharya, B
19 Studies on the efficacies of different phosphatics with graded water solubilities in wetland paddy Chaudhuri, Bimaldas Dr. Dasgupta, D K
20 Studies on the agronomic effectiveness of micronutrients in crop production in lateritic uplands of West Bengal Pradhan, Anil Chandra Dr. Sarkar, A K







