Calcutta University School of Agriculture Admission 2024, NIRF Ranking, Yoga Day, Job Prospects and Career Options

Calcutta University
Kolkata, West Bengal, India
College Square, Kolkata, West Bengal
033-22413288, 25747474, 22410071, 24037237, 033- 22413222
About Us

The Court of Directors of the East India Company sent a despatch in July, 1854 to the Governor-General of India in Council, suggesting the establishment of the Universities of Calcutta, Madras and Bombay.

In pursuance of that despatch, the University of Calcutta was founded on JANUARY 24, 1857.

The University adopted in the first instance, the pattern of the University of London and gradually introduced modifications in its constitution.

Title in Agriculture Calcutta University

# Title Researcher Guide(s)
1 Studies on adaptability for yield and yield components of rice oryza sativa L in relation to different environmental conditions and agronomic practices Sinha, Saroj Kumar Dr. Biswas, Sudhamoy
2 Forms and distribution of potassium in North Bengal soils with particular emphasis on fixation and release as influenced by various cultural conditions Sahu, Satyendranath Dr. Gupta, S K
3 Studies on the viability of wheat Triticum aestivum L seed Dasgupta, Malavika Dr. Basu, R N
4 Interaction of calcium carbonate with sodium in sodic soils and possibilities of its application in reclamation of such soils Mondal, Ramesh Chandra Dr. Roy, B B
5 Biochemical basis of conversion of photoperiod sensitive long duration aman varieties to photoperiod insensitive short duration types Das, Sanghamitra Dr. Gupta, D K Das
6 Application of irreversible thermodynamics in multicomponent system Bhattacharyya, Sumitra Dr. Adhikari, M
7 Studies on some aspects of the problem of breeding low temperature tolerant boro paddy Chakrabarti, Syamali Dr. Majumder, M K
8 A study of effect on application N P K fertilisers on the soil composition and yield of high yielding variety of wheat in West Bengal Bhattacharyya, Bimal Kumar Dr. Adhikari, M
9 DNA hybridization and evolutionary relationships among some species of the genus oryza Iyengar, Ganjam Ananta Sayanam Dr. Sen, S K
10 Novel slow releasing micronutrient fertilizers formulation synthesis and applicability Ray, Sanjay Kumar Dr. Ghosh, Kunal
11 A study of resource utilisation for planned development of a back ward area Chakrabarti, Chitta Brata Dr. Sen, P K
12 Studies on the effect of post flowering application of various solutes on maturity grain filling and seed quality of cereals Das, Subarnabimal Dr. Sarkar, A K
13 Studies on rice breeding with reference to low temperature to tolerance Ghose, Satyahari Dr. Majumder, M K
14 Response of rice plant to saline substrates Bal, Asit Ranjan Dr. Chattopadhyay, N C
15 Economy of nitrogenous fertilizers through chemical weed control in wheat crop Singh, Kuljit Dr. Adhikari, M
16 Role of non symbiotic nitrogen fixing bacteria and blue green algae on fertility status of paddy soils Nath, Sabhapati Dr. Dey, Bimal Krishna
17 Genetical studies on rice oryza sativa L Ghosh, Amitabha Dr. Bhaumik, P K
18 Effects on micronutrients on growth and yield of major field crops grown in the gangetic delta region Chakraborty, Sahadeb Dr. Sarkar, A K
19 Study of orchard efficiency analysis of litchi litchi chinensis Ray, Rabindra Nath Dr. Mukherjee, S K
20 Comparison of different irrigation methods on moisture and salt displacements in heavy textured soil with special reference to use of poor quality water Dash, Nikunja Behari Dr. Sen, H S







