Bharathiar University School of Zoology Admission 2024, Check Eligibility, Year Wise Comparison for Students Placed, Entrance Exams

Bharathiar University
Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
Coimbatore, PIN - 641 046. Tamil Nadu
+91-422-2422222,2422223, 2422234,2422272, 2422321,2422335, 2422372,2422435 2428100,2428126
About Us

The Bharathiar University was established at Coimbatore by the Government of Tamilnadu in February, 1982 under the provision of the Bharathiar University Act, 1981 (Act 1 of 1982). The Postgraduate Centre of the University of Madras, which was functioning in Coimbatore before 1982 formed the core of the Bharathiar University. In May, 1985 the University received the recognition from University Grants Commission (UGC) New Delhi for the purpose of grants.

The University named after the great national poet Subramania Bharathi is enshrined with the motto “Educate to Elevate”. In the University, every effort is harnessed to realize his dream of making educational institutions as temple of learning. It is the aim of the University to participate in the task of inculcating necessary Knowledge, Skills and Creative Attitudes and values among the youth of the country to contribute more effectively towards establishing an equitable social and economic and secular ideal of our nation.

Title in Zoology Bharathiar University

# Title Researcher Guide(s)
1 Studies on an antineoplastic drug methotrexate histological and biochemical responses of epididymis and hormonal changes in adult albino Rats Sampathraj, R Dr. Kumari, G Vanitha
2 Nutritional ecology of the insects associated with the milkweed calotropis gigantea R Br asclepidaceae of Western Ghats India Poopathi, S Dr. Livingstone, David
3 Reproductive toxicity of diclofenac and piroxicam in adult female Rats and the role of vitamin E as A rescue agent Azariah, Vinolia Dr. Vanithakumari, G
4 Studies on the leaf roller caloptilia theivora walsingham lepidoptera gracillariidae infesting tea in Southern India Selvasundaram, R Dr. Muraleedharan, N
5 Plant gall producing arthropods of South India Perumal, G Dr. Sasikala, K
6 Bird communities of the thorn and dry deciduous forests in Mudumalai wildlife sanctuary South India Gokula, V Dr. Vijayan, Lalitha
7 Studies on the pink mite acaphylla theae WATT acarina eriophyoidea eriophyidae infesting tea in Southern India Loganathan, S Dr. Muraleedharan, N
8 Modifying effects of acidified waters on cadmium toxicity with reference to blood Chemistry of a freshwater Fish cyprinus carpio var communis Sivakumari, K Dr. Manavalaramanujam, R
9 Studies on euwallacea fornicatus eichhoff coleoptera scolytidae the shot hole borer of tea Parthiban, M Dr. Muraleedharan, N
10 Studies on the taxonomy life History biochemistry and cytogenetics of the water striders gerridae heteroptera of Periyar district South India Santhi, S Dr. Rajulu, G Sundara
11 Bioaccumulation of mercury and its effect on nonspecific biomarkers of a freshwater teleost Fish cyprinus carpio var communis Rajan, Anand Prem Dr. Sasikala, K
12 Seasonality and abundance of insects with special reference to butterflies lepidoptera rhopalocera in a moist deciduous forest of Siruvani Nilgiri biosphere reserve South India Arun, P R Dr. Vijayan, V S
13 Studies on the combined effect of glycosmis pentaphylla hook albizzia amara boivin ocimum basilicum LINN and bacillus thuringiensis SUBSP israelensis on mosquitocidal activity for the control of Malarial Vector anopheles Stephensi liston insecta diptera Murugan, P Dr. Murugan, K
14 Studies on some aspects of bimodal respiration haematology and nitrogen excretion in the South Indian air breathing Fish channa striata bloch Pushparani, R Dr. Natarajan, G M
15 Studies on the hormones and enzymes associated with moulting and metamorphosis in the larval and pupal stages of tobacco cutworm spodoptera litura F lepidoptera and cotton bollworm helicoverpa armigera H lepidoptera Rabeeth, M Dr. Thangaraj, T
16 Effect of kitazin on the blood Chemistry and histopathology of a freshwater Fish cyprinus carpio var communis Ramesh, M Dr. Manavalaramanujam, R
17 Studies on the effect of neem and bacillus sphaericus neide for the control of dengue vector aedes aegypti L insecta diptera culicidae Amuthadevi, P Dr. Murugan, K
18 Impact of cadmium toxicity on some biochemical parameters of Fish cyprinus carpio var communis and the modifying effect of external calcium Kanagaraj, M K Dr. Manavalaramanujam, R
19 Some aspects of molecular studies on hormones and enzymes associated with molting and development in the insect pests the tobacco cut worm spodoptera litura F the cotton bollworm helicoverpa armigera H the moringa pest eupterote mollifera W and the cocon Karaiyan, K Dr. Thangaraj, T
20 Toxicity and effects of a carbamate pesticide Sevin on some physiological aspects of a freshwater Edible air breathing Fish channa striatus bloch Karuppiah, D Dr. Ramaswamy, M







