Bharathiar University School of Bio-Chemistry Admission 2024, Steps to Check Result, Jobs, Learn More About Courses

Bharathiar University
Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
Coimbatore, PIN - 641 046. Tamil Nadu
+91-422-2422222,2422223, 2422234,2422272, 2422321,2422335, 2422372,2422435 2428100,2428126
About Us

The Bharathiar University was established at Coimbatore by the Government of Tamilnadu in February, 1982 under the provision of the Bharathiar University Act, 1981 (Act 1 of 1982). The Postgraduate Centre of the University of Madras, which was functioning in Coimbatore before 1982 formed the core of the Bharathiar University. In May, 1985 the University received the recognition from University Grants Commission (UGC) New Delhi for the purpose of grants.

The University named after the great national poet Subramania Bharathi is enshrined with the motto “Educate to Elevate”. In the University, every effort is harnessed to realize his dream of making educational institutions as temple of learning. It is the aim of the University to participate in the task of inculcating necessary Knowledge, Skills and Creative Attitudes and values among the youth of the country to contribute more effectively towards establishing an equitable social and economic and secular ideal of our nation.

Title in Bio-Chemistry Bharathiar University

# Title Researcher Guide(s)
1 Chemopreventive potential of Caralluma adscendens against 1,2 dimethyl hydrazine induced colon cancer Gowri S Dr. Chinnaswamy P
2 Evaluation Of Antidiabetic Activity Of Barleria Cristata L Leaf And Stem And Rubia Cordifolia Linn Root On Alloxan Induced Diabetic Rats K. Amutha Dr. D. Victor Arokia Doss
3 Therapeutic Potential Of Medicinal Mushroom Hypsizygus Ulmarius Bull Fr Cardioprotective, Hypolipidemic Antidiabetic Hepatoprotective And Antinflammatory Effects U.Devaki Dr. G.Sudha
4 Characterisation Of Multidrug Resistant Bacterial Isolates Associated With Urinary Tract Infection K. Nalini Dr. P. Sumathi
5 Anticataract Effect Of Cyamopsis Tetragonolobus And Cyperus Rotundus On Diabetes Induced Cataract An In Vitro In Vivo And In Silico Study Ms. S. Seema Dr. K. Vijayalakshmi
6 Chemopreventive Potential Of Caralluma Adscendens Roxb Against 1 2 Dimethyl Hydrazine Induced Colon Cancer S. Gowri Dr. P.Chinnaswamy
7 Study Of Hypoglycemic And Antioxidant Activities Of Hydroethanolic Extract Of Gymnema Hirsutum Wight Arn And Aristolochia Bracteolata Lam Leaves In Normal And Streptozotocin Induced Diabetic Rats K.Thangavel Dr. D. Victor Arokia Doss
8 Biochemical And In Silico Molecular Studies On The Cytoprotective Role Of Moringa Oleifera Flowers In Pc3 Cell Lines L. Inbathamizh Dr. (Mrs.) E. Padmini
9 Beneficial Effect Of Dietary Squalene Supplementation On Experimentally Induced Cardiomyopathy In Rats Pallavi Srivastava Dr.R. Anandan
10 Hepatorenal Protective Activity Of Two Indian Medicinal Plants On Paracetamol Induced Toxicity In Male Albino Rats K. Sarumathy Dr. M.S. Dhanarajan
11 volvariella volvacea bulliard ex fries singer a therapeutic fungal biofactory Shwetha Vijesh Kalava Dr. G. Sudha
12 Assessment Of Oocyte Quality With AMH Inhibin B In Serum And Follicular Fluid And Predicting Pregnancy Outcome With Sperm DNA Fragmentation In Art Cycles Ms. M. Sujatha Dr. P. Chinnaswamy
13 Cardioprotective Activity Of Endangered Indian Medicinal Plants T. Vijay Dr. M.S. Dhanarajan
14 Chemopreventive Potential Of Sinapic Acid Against 7 12 Dimethylbenz A Anthracene Induced Hamster Buccal Pouch Carcinogenesis J. Kalaimathi Dr. K. Suresh
15 Studies On Molecular Methods Of Hiv 1 Pediatric Diagnosis In Resource Limited Settings D. Anitha Dr. P.Sumathi
16 Circadian Clock Gene Arntl Polymorphisms Are Associated With Bipolar Disorder With Seasonal Pattern An Indian Family Study V.R. Bhagyalakshmi Dr. V.N. Janakarajan
17 Measurement Of Stress And Its Management In Mothers Of High Risk Babies Mini.A.O Dr. S. Raju
18 Screening And Bioconversion Of Indian Shellfish Chitin Wastes For The Production Of Chitosan And Its Applications In Agriculture And Environment N. Babu Dr. D. Amirtham
19 Evaluation Of Bioactive Potential Of Enicostemma Axillare Extract A.Krishna Veni Dr. S. Mohan Dass
20 Anticarcinogenic effect of cynodon dactylon Annapurani, S Dr. Hurthg, Nirmala K







