Bangalore University School of Botany Admission 2024, Exam Pattern, Ranking In India And World, Jobs

Bangalore University
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Mysore Rd, Jnana Bharathi, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560056
About Us

Bangalore University is located in the Garden City of Bangalore aptly hailed as the  “I.T. Capital of India”, was established in July 1964 as an off shoot of the University of Mysore, primarily to include institutions of higher learning located in the metropolitan city of Bangalore and the districts of Bangalore, Kolar and Tumkur, which eventually became a separate university. Initially, the two premier colleges of the city, the Central College (CC) and the University Visvesvaraya College of Engineering (UVCE) formed the nucleus of Bangalore University.

Soon after the establishment of Bangalore University, as a first step in the re-organization of courses instructions, the University introduced Honours Courses in the year 1965-66. Three year Honour’s courses in Botany, Chemistry, Economics, English, Geology, Kannada, Mathematics and Zoology which were offered only at the University Post Graduate Departments have attracted many brilliant students. Honours passed students were admitted to Post Graduate Courses on priority and B.A./B.Sc. graduates, who marginally missed admission to the Post Graduate Courses were given an opportunity to join the final year Honours course and seek admission to Post Graduate Courses, thereafter. Since 1964, Bangalore University has grown both in size and strength to include a large number of affiliated colleges, P.G. Centers with a rich diversity of programme options. In consonance with this expansion, in 1973, the University moved into a new campus named ‘Jnana Bharathi’ (JB) located on a sprawling 1100 acres of land and shifted many of its post graduate departments to this newly established campus. At present, the JB Campus houses the office of the Vice Chancellor, Registrar, Registrar (Evaluation), Finance Officer and a large number of post graduate departments, Directorates, Centres of higher learning, NSS Bhavan, Outdoor Stadium and other support services. The University Law College, started in 1948 and The College of Physical Education, started in 1959 are located in the JB Campus.

Title in Botany Bangalore University

# Title Researcher Guide(s)
1 Emdryological In Some Members Of Heliantheae Asteraceae B. Shivashankar Dr. B.H.M. Nijalingappa
2 Embryological Studies In Some Members Of Gramineae POACEAE Syed Nizamuddin Dr. P.S. Chikkanmai
3 Embryological Studies In Gentianaceae K. Sankara Rao Dr. M. Nagaraj
4 Embryological Studies In Boraginaceae Tasneem Fathima Dr. M.Nagaraj
5 Embryological Palynological And Histochemical Studies In Bignoniaceae G.Shivaramaiah Dr. M. Nagaraj
6 Embryological And Palynological Studies In The Family Compositae D.Lalitha Dr. M.Nagaraj
7 Embryological And Histochemical Studies In Some Members Of Rutacase P.Yashoda Dr. Tejavathi, D H
8 Effect Of Fungicides And Antibiotics On the Microflora Of Groundnut Arachis Hypogaea L With Special Reference To Root Nodule Bacterium Rhizobium SP D. Anusuya Dr. S.B. Sullia
9 Effect of biocontrol agents and fungicides against some foliar diseases of cicer arietinum l Roopa. B Dr. Maya. C
10 Ecology and Reproductive Biology of Pterospermum reticulatum and Vateria macrocarpa Rare and Endangered Tree Species of Western Ghats India Keshavanarayan P Dr. Sivaram V
11 Ecology and reproductive biology of eugenia discifera and garncinia imberti rare and endangered tree species of Western Ghats India K, Rajkumar Dr. Sivaram, V.
12 Ecology And Reproductive Biology Of Andrographis Paniculata Nees And Achyranthes Aspera L M.D. Rajanna Dr.(Mrs.) d. Thejavathi
13 Diseases Of Millets helminthosporiose Of Ragi In Karnataka State C. Narayana Reddy Dr.(Mrs.) Padmabai Luke
14 Database Of Plants With Anti Cancer Activity Srinivas naik K. Dr. Mamatha rao
15 Database Of Plants used In gastrointestinal Disorders And Effects Of Plant Extracts On Pathogenic Enteric Bacteria Part II Assumpta Sharon Dr. Kameswara Rao
16 Data base Of plats Used in Gastrointestinal disorders And Effects Of Plant Extracts on Pathogenic Enteric Bacteria Part I Assumpta Sharma Dr. Kameswara Rao
17 Cytophysiological Assessment Of The Effect Of Industrial Effluents On Some crop Plants A.G. Malini Shetty Dr. R.K. Somashekhar
18 Cytological Studies In A few Ornamental Orchids DNA content And Chromosome Ultrastructure G.Shubhakara Dr.R.M. Ranganath
19 Cytological and Embryological Studies In Cyperaceae B.H.M. Nijalingappa Dr. M.Nagaraj
20 Cytological And Chemotaxonomical Studies In Anthurium And Paphiopedilum Ms.Devinder Prakash Dr. R.M. Ranganth







